Hawk Award Winners for February
Congratulations to these students for following Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, than to be Understood! Kindergarten – Reese Dredge and Lambros Dontas 1st...
Congratulations to these students for following Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, than to be Understood! Kindergarten – Reese Dredge and Lambros Dontas 1st...
Students from each grade and even our teachers sang Holiday Songs in preparation for our winter break!
Congratulations to our First in Math Winners! 1st Grade – Ella B 2nd Grade – Esha G 3rd Grade – Cooper C 4th Grade –...
Hanover 5th graders and Liberty Hanover graduates stand together!!
We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!!
A big thank you for a successful Hawk Walk. It was a great day!
It was a lovely night to hear the Hanover singers at the Iron Pigs game. Good job Ms. Gilboy and singers. Thank you to all...