Limiting Events Shown on Sidebar

Here’s a screen shot of what you have to do to limit the number of events showing in the Calendar List on your home page.

In the edit mode: Go to Appearance Span – Change the box to “Events” and then set a number of events to display.

Worked for me! 


PS – If you choose Month in the Span box, I think the default is like 7 or 8 events showing at one time.

Uploading and linking PDF documents

You can easily upload and link to PDF documents on your pages or posts.

Upload the PDF to the Media browser just like an image.  Edit/create the page or post you want a link to a PDF to appear and then click “Add Media” button and select the PDF.  Wordpress will make a link with the title of the PDF.  This text can be edited.

See the previous post for an example.