Attention, families of incoming kindergarten students (2025-2026)!

Join us for Kindergarten Literacy Nights.



Upcoming Dates

Monday, March 3rd-Friday, March 7th–Read Across America Week

March 7th–BINGO Night (PTO)

Thursday, March 13th–Noon dismissal for students

Tuesday, March 25th–Spring Music Concert

Monday, March 31st–End of 3rd Marking Period


Check out the wonderful winter concert put on by Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, and 4th Grade.

Thank you to our vocal music teacher, Miss Hazekamp, for all of her hard work in preparing for the show.



Our vision for Miller Heights Elementary is that we are a school
where we strive to empower every child to realize their true
academic potential. Achievement is promoted by instilling in
students a respect for learning, a confidence in their abilities, and
pride in always giving their best efforts. We believe this is possible
when we provide an environment where each child is a member of a
caring community, and respect is mutual. In this community,
students are encouraged to discover their own strengths as well as
recognize those of others, and all are celebrated.

We are kind friends.
We are respectful.
We are responsible learners.
We are Huskies!



A message from the Miller Heights PTO: