Fine and Practical Arts

Fine and Practical Arts electives are designed to aid the student in becoming a well-rounded individual.  Curriculum is developed to be of interest to all students, regardless of talent, and encourages active participation in the classroom.  The experiences resulting from participation stimulate growth of the student, create an awareness and appreciation for the Arts as a universal enrichment medium, and develop the student physically, intellectually, and emotionally. The Fine and Practical Arts play an important role in the development of the whole student.  Art, Family Consumer Science, Industrial Arts, and Music contribute to personal development, expression, creativity, and basic skills necessary for every student.


Art 6 (AR6009)

Art 6 will expand upon the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in the elementary visual arts program. Students will explore the visual arts by applying creative strategies, skills, and habits of mind through artistic practices. Students learn through a wide range of media, both by creating art and by exploring about diverse historical and cultural heritage through art.

Integrated Arts 6 (AR6509)

Integrated Arts expands upon principles of visual art by integrating core subjects into visual art projects. The cross curricular approach encourages students to communicate the relationship between disciplines and subjects through visual art projects. The course emphasizes academic vocabulary and hands-on learning.

Art 7 (AR7009)

Art 7 will expand upon the knowledge and skills acquired in Art 6. Students will explore the visual arts by applying creative strategies, skills, and habits of mind through artistic practices. Students learn through a wide range of media, both by creating art and by exploring about diverse historical and cultural heritage through art.

Integrated Arts 7 (AR7509)

Integrated Arts expands upon principles of visual art by integrating core subjects into visual art projects. The cross curricular approach encourages students to communicate the relationship between disciplines and subjects through visual art projects. The course emphasizes academic vocabulary and hands-on learning.

Art 8 (AR8009)

Art 8 will expand upon the knowledge and skills acquired in Art 7. Students will explore the visual arts by applying creative strategies, skills, and habits of mind through artistic practices. Students learn through a wide range of media, both by creating art and by exploring about diverse historical and cultural heritage through art.

Studio Art 8(AR8019)

Studio Art 8 is intended for students who have expressed an interest in the visual arts. Students will engage in three projects that build upon the artistic skills and techniques learned throughout the middle school visual arts program. The course will include an in-class exhibition where students will practice showcasing, analyzing, critiquing, and reflecting upon art developed during throughout the course. Students will have opportunities to learn from a community teaching artist during the semester.


Family and Consumer Science 6 (FC6009) East Hills, Nitschmann, Northeast

In this course, students will learn the life skills of nutrition and sewing. Students will learn the basics of kitchen safety, sanitation, food preparation, and nutrition. Students will be taught how to find health information about the foods they eat and how to make wise nutritional choices. The sewing portion of the course includes instruction on machine operation and hand stitching techniques as well as sewing machine safety, sewing equipment, and sewing tools.

Family and Consumer Science 7 (FC7009) East Hills, Nitschmann, Northeast

This course builds on the skills taught in Family Consumer Science in Grade 6. Students will learn the life skills of nutrition and sewing. Students will learn the basics of kitchen safety, sanitation, food preparation, and nutrition. Students will be taught how to find health information about the foods they eat and how to make wise nutritional choices. The sewing portion of the course includes instruction on machine operation and hand stitching techniques as well as sewing machine safety, sewing equipment, and sewing tools.

Family and Consumer Science 8 (FC8009) East Hills, Nitschmann, Northeast

This course builds on the skills taught in Family Consumer Science in Grade 7. Students will learn the life skills of nutrition and sewing. Students will learn the basics of kitchen safety, sanitation, food preparation, and nutrition. Students will be taught how to find health information about the foods they eat and how to make wise nutritional choices. The sewing portion of the course includes instruction on machine operation and hand stitching techniques as well as sewing machine safety, sewing equipment, and sewing tools.


The Bethlehem Area School District offers several courses in the middle school academic program intended to expose students to design thinking concepts. Design Thinking is a student-centered and solutions-oriented process. Students engage in planning and designing, creating, testing, and reflecting upon their learning. Course titles may vary by school, but all courses within the cluster focus on teaching the design thinking process. Courses range from those that are more tactile and material-focused to those that utilize mostly digital environments and digital tools.

Industrial Arts 6 (IA6009) East Hills, Northeast

In this course, students design and create hands-on projects using skills and equipment introduced. Students will be creating projects by first learning the basic vocabulary that will allow them to understand tools, processes, and materials. Students will be learning how to use tools and equipment to solve problems and create a practical, useful product.

Industrial Arts 7 (IA7009) East Hills, Northeast

This course builds on the skills taught in Industrial Arts in Grade 6. In this course, students design and create hands-on projects using skills and equipment introduced. Students will be creating projects by first learning the basic vocabulary that will allow them to understand tools, processes and materials. Students will be learning how to use tools and equipment to solve problems and create a practical, useful product.

Industrial Arts 8 (IA8009) East Hills, Northeast

This course builds on the skills taught in Industrial Arts in Grade 7. In this course, students design and create hands-on projects using skills and equipment introduced. Students will be creating projects by first learning the basic vocabulary that will allow them to understand tools, processes, and materials. Students will be learning how to use tools and equipment to solve problems and create a practical, useful product.

Engineering and Design Fabrication 6 (IA6019) Nitschmann

This course gives each student an opportunity to explore and understand the improving and changing technologies in today’s society. This class will provide students with the opportunity to learn and develop problem-solving skills through the use of tools and hands-on learning projects in both a manufacturing setting, using wood as the primary material, as well as an engineering setting where students will be presented with design challenges and expected to research and design their own solutions.

Engineering and Design Fabrication 7 (IA7019) Nitschmann

This course builds on the skills taught in Industrial Arts in Grade 6 and features new projects to advance design thinking skills. This course gives each student an opportunity to explore and understand the improving and changing technologies in today’s society. This class will provide students with the opportunity to learn and develop problem-solving skills through the use of tools and hands-on learning projects in both a manufacturing setting, using wood as the primary material, as well as an engineering setting where students will be presented with design challenges and expected to research and design their own solutions.

Engineering and Design Fabrication 8 (IA8019) Nitschmann

This course builds on the skills taught in Industrial Arts in Grade 7 and features new projects to advance design thinking skills. This course gives each student an opportunity to explore and understand the improving and changing technologies in today’s society. This class will provide students with the opportunity to learn and develop problem-solving skills through the use of tools and hands-on learning projects in both a manufacturing setting, using wood as the primary material, as well as an engineering setting where students will be presented with design challenges and expected to research and design their own solutions.

Engineering 8 (IA8509) Broughal

In this course, students use the technology design process to test out different models to construct a product with the highest success rate. Students also create an online animation project and learn how to draw and print using a 3D printer.


Music 6 (MU6009) 

In this course, students are introduced to foundational musical concepts such as rhythm, pitch, notation, audiation, improvisation, and composition. Students learn music within the context of vocal music and instruments that may include percussion, piano, recorders, and string instruments. Additionally, students explore the integration of technology for making, editing, and accessing music.

Music 7 (MU7009) 

Music 7 will expand upon Music 6 by teaching foundational musical concepts such as rhythm, pitch, notation, audiation, improvisation, and composition. Students learn music within the context of vocal music and instruments that may include percussion, piano, recorders, and string instruments. Additionally, students explore the integration of technology for making, editing, and accessing music.

Music 8 (MU8009) 

Music 8 will expand upon previous middle school music classes (6 &7) by teaching foundational musical concepts such as rhythm, pitch, notation, audiation, improvisation, and composition. Students learn music within the context of vocal music and instruments that may include percussion, piano, recorders, and string instruments. Additionally, students explore the integration of technology for making, editing, and accessing music.

Integrated Music 7 (MU7509) Nitschmann

Integrated Music expands upon principles of from Music 6-8 by integrating core subjects into music projects. The cross-curricular approach encourages students to communicate the relationship between disciplines and subjects through listening and producing music. The course emphasizes academic vocabulary and analysis of the role music has in relevant, real-world settings.

Integrated Music 8 (MU8509) Nitschmann

Integrated Music expands upon principles of from Music 6-8 by integrating core subjects into music projects. The cross-curricular approach encourages students to communicate the relationship between disciplines and subjects through listening and producing music. The course emphasizes academic vocabulary and analysis of the role music has in relevant, real-world settings.

Choir (MU9999)

This course provides a collaborative, student-centered approach in learning basic music skills, including but not limited to notation, historical perspectives, performance, audiation, critique, and analysis. The projects throughout this course are designed with a student-centered, collaborative, and performance-based approach that elicits partnership between teacher and student in a community-based learning organization. This class meets everyday for one quarter of the year. There are two mandatory concerts (Winter and Spring) that your child is expected to participate in. There will also be outside non-mandatory performances throughout the year both within and outside the school day.