Grading and Assessment

BASD Assessment and Grading Policy 

Bethlehem Area School District believes that it is important to report progress on the following items for each student:

  • The Achievement grade represents the summary of assignments and assessments that will form the final letter grade for the course. The purpose of this approach is to clearly represent the students’ level of mastery of skills and content in the course. Summative assessments make up the achievement grade because they evaluate students’ academic performance. The Achievement Grade will be the usual letter grade (A, B, C, F) for each course that represents the students level of mastery of skills and content in the course.
  • The Academic Support Factors assess whether or not students are demonstrating the habits of classroom engagement and responsibility, which are primary behaviors that lead to students’ success in school. A noncumulative rubric score for each Academic Support Factor will appear on the marking period report card, and they will not contribute to class rank or grade point average. Rubrics are below.

Academic progress and achievement are monitored and reported separately from Academic Support Factors, which are work habits, character traits, and behaviors such as attendance and class participation, which are also monitored and reported.

While Academic Support Factors are essential to the learning process, these habits do not provide evidence of what a student knows, understands, or can do with reference to the learning targets in a class. In our system, Academic Support Factors are reported separately from Achievement grades, and students receive feedback on these habits throughout the year.

Reporting of Grades
The Achievement Grade will be the usual letter grade (A, B, C, F) for each course that represents the students level of mastery of skills and content in the course. In addition, students will receive a ranking of a 3, 2, or 1 for the Academic Support Factors, which assess whether or not students are demonstrating the habits of classroom engagement and responsibility which impacts students’ success in school. Grades for the Academic Support Factors will not contribute to class rank or grade point average.

Bethlehem Area School District Purpose of Grading Statement
The purpose of grades is to communicate with students and parents/guardians about students’ achievement towards specific goals. With a focus on student growth, grades are intended to be used as feedback to guide timely improvements and offer enrichment opportunities.

Academic support factors are reported separately from the achievement grade.