- Rotations are made up of 30 days.
- Rotation 1(8/28–10/11) Rotation 2 (10/12-11/29) Rotation 3(11/30-1/23) Rotation 4 (1/24-3/7) Rotation 5 (4/23) Rotation 6 4/24-6/6). Some encore classes in 6th and 7th grade meet on a rotational basis following the previous schedule. You will have one encore class for one rotation and then change to a new class for each rotation.
Marking Periods
- Marking periods are made up of 45 days, and there are report cards distributed at the end of each.
- Core classes meet for all four marking periods.
- Some of the Related Arts/Encore classes meet for one marking period only, while others may meet for two.
- Marking Period 1- 8/28-11/1 Marking Period 2 – 11/2 – 1/23 Marking Period 3 – 1/24 – 4/2 Marking Period 4 – 4/3 – 6/6.
- Trimesters are made up of 60 days.
- Some 6th grade encore classes meet for a trimester. The dates are included below.
- Trimester 1 – 8/28 – 11/29 Trimester 2 11/29 – 3/7 Trimester 3/8 – 6/6.
How to read your schedule?