Transition Activities from 5th to 6th grade
- In Late winter, the Middle school Assistant Principal and Counselors visit the incoming fifth-grade students to share information about middle school and answer their questions.
- In late winter / early spring, middle schools host a fifth-grade family welcome night.
- In the Spring, the incoming fifth-grade students visit the middle school they will be attending in the fall and spend the morning shadowing the current sixth-graders in all their classes, and have lunch with them.
- In August, middle schools host a walkthrough for parents and students so that they can meet the school staff, have an understanding of what to expect on the first day of school, and walk around the building.
First Day of School in Middle School
- Follow 3 Hour Delay Schedule (for Related Arts and lunch)
- To support 6th graders in their transition to a new middle school, we bring in only 6th-grade students to orient them to the building from 8:05-11:05 AM. 7th and 8th-grade students report at 11:05 AM to their homeroom. The purpose of the 3-hour delay for 7th and 8th graders is to permit 6th graders to become comfortable with their new school environment
- We will utilize Homeroom and Mascot Block periods to complete the distribution of information to students
- Opening exercises
- Circle introduction of names
- Hand out and discuss student information and any forms/fliers to go home to guardians
- Review hall transitions:
- All students move on the right-hand side of the hall
- Assist students with opening their lockers. All lockers have been rotated and checked.
- Review sign-out procedures
- Review Acceptable Usage Policy
- Bathroom privileges:
- Teacher is to set up procedures in their classroom
- Students must sign out
- No bathroom usage in the first ten minutes of class
- Only emergency use of bathrooms after 2:30 pm otherwise, NO Movement after 2:45 pm
- Review attendance requirements:
- The necessity of coming to school every day and on time
- Late arrival procedures
- Guidelines can be found in the attendance procedures/flier pages 19-20
- Review Student Expectations
- Every student should have a thorough understanding of what is expected of them
- Review team expectations and procedures.
Transition Activities from 8th to 9th grade
- In winter, high school counselors visit feeder middle schools and share information with current 8th graders
- They hand out course descriptions and pathway information for students to take home and look into before their next visit
- In late winter, high school principals visit feeder middle schools and hold circles with current eighth graders
- They discuss expectations at the high school and answer student questions
- In the spring, high school counselors will return to their feeder middle schools to assist students with course selection for 9th-grade
- In the spring, 8th-grade students visit the high school they will be attending in the fall and spend the day shadowing the current 9th-graders
- They also visit Vo-Tech
- In the summer, high schools host a freshman orientation for students and parents