Grounded in real-world practice, the Bethlehem Area School District math curriculum promotes a deep understanding of theoretical concepts and fosters problem-solving skills with the intent to establish authentic, conceptual understanding of mathematics in order to prepare all students for high school math coursework and lifelong success in mathematical endeavors.
Advanced Math 6 (MA6001)
In Advanced Math 6, students learn to find the area of parallelograms and triangles in addition to calculating surface area and volume. This leads to and includes several ways to represent ratios and apply them to convert units, calculate unit rates, solve problems with percentages, and explore proportional relationships. Students will build on number sense by formalizing strategies for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals as well as solving equations with exponents and reasoning about equivalent equations. An introduction to negative numbers on the coordinate plane leads to making sense of data, including measures of center and spread as well as probability.
Math 6 (MA6002)
Math 6 establishes a foundation for students, guiding them through exploration ranging from fundamental geometry and arithmetic to advanced topics like ratios, equations, and data analysis. Students will learn skills such as finding the area of parallelograms and triangles, calculating surface area and volume, and understanding ratios on an introductory level. The course emphasizes building on number sense by formalizing strategies for decimal operations, solving equations with exponents, and reasoning about equivalent equations. This course concludes with an exploration of negative numbers on the coordinate plane to guide students toward comprehending data, including measures of center and spread.
Advanced Math 7 (MA7001)
Advanced Math 7 focuses on first understanding and applying proportional relationships through scale drawings, then asking students to use proportional relationships to solve problems involving fractional quantities and percent change. Students extend what they learned in Math 6 to add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers, which leads into work on expressions, equations, and inequalities leading to solving systems of equations. The year ends with Pythagorean Theorem and scientific notation, thus creating opportunity for authentic, real-world practice with application of solving equations.
Math 7 (MA7002)
Math 7 focuses on the exploration and application of proportional relationships. This course lays a solid foundation for continued success in advanced mathematical studies. Emphasizing theoretical understanding and practical applications, students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills crucial for future mathematical endeavors. This course begins with scale drawings, circumference, and area of circles, and then expands into solving problems involving fractional quantities and percent change through proportional relationships. Students build on Math 6 knowledge to handle positive and negative numbers, leading to work on expressions, equations, and inequalities. The year concludes with geometry, probability, and statistics, covering topics including angles, triangles, prisms, probability, and sampling.
Advanced Math 8 (MA8001)
Advanced Mathematics 8 builds on Math 7 foundations by integrating proportional and geometric relationships. The course dives into key concepts in algebra and geometry where students explore transformations, congruence, linear relationships, functions, and geometric principles. Mathematics 8 equips students with essential skills for advanced studies. Beginning with rigid transformations, congruence, and similarity, students then progress to slope, linear relationships, functions, and solving equations. The course ends with the topics that provide real-world application for solving equations, such as volume of cylinders, cones, spheres; Pythagorean Theorem; and scientific notation.
Math 8 (MA8002)
Mathematics 8 builds on Math 7 foundations by integrating proportional and geometric relationships. The course dives into key concepts in algebra and geometry where students explore transformations, congruence, linear relationships, functions, and geometric principles. Mathematics 8 equips students with essential skills for advanced studies. Beginning with rigid transformations, congruence, and similarity, students then progress to slope, linear relationships, functions, and solving equations. The course ends with the topics that provide real-world application for solving equations, such as volume of cylinders, cones, spheres; Pythagorean Theorem; and scientific notation.
Algebra 1 (MA8010)
Algebra 1 is the gateway course to higher mathematics. This course is designed to emphasize the development of concepts, skills and techniques for use with variables, formulas, the real number system, linear equations, inequalities, the graphs of relations and functions, probability, and data analysis. The course concludes with a Keystone Exam, which is an state-level end-of-course assessment designed to assess proficiency. The Keystone Exams are one component of Pennsylvania’s system of high school graduation requirements. For more information on the Keystone Graduation Requirement, click here.