Special Education Services


Under Pennsylvania and federal laws, a student who meets the eligibility requirements for special education has the right to participate in the general education curriculum in the regular education classroom in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).  The program of support and services is described in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).  Providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for a student with a disability begins with the consideration of services in the LRE.  The organization and delivery of special education services are planned in a flexible and responsive manner to accommodate the student’s special needs of eligibility without removing the student, unnecessarily, from the general education curriculum in the regular education classroom.  Supplementary aids and services received by the student are dependent on his/her individual needs.  The Bethlehem Area School District promotes inclusive opportunities for all students.

The students shall participate in the general education curriculum in the regular education classroom to the maximum extent appropriate, which may be accommodated, adapted, or modified.  The district does provide a full continuum of services and programs.  Eligible students may be provided instruction through supplemental curricula.  Service/program options may be considered when the program of study needs to be intensified in order to meet the student’s overall needs.

Transition planning begins at age 14.  The IEP team will decide what kinds of courses will prepare the student for life after high school through the transition planning process.  The IEP team, including the student and parent, will plan transition activities to prepare the student for post-high school experiences.  Discussions during transition planning include:  college or post-high school planning; employment exploration; and independent living, including recreation or leisure activities.  The transition planning includes consideration of the types of courses the student will take during high school.  Early planning encourages a coordinated effort between the present and future goals of the student.  Students are encouraged to prepare for a post-high school education, whether it is college or a trade/technical school.  Students who are considering college are encouraged to take the PSAT and SAT assessments, with or without accommodations.  Some students may elect a vocational curriculum and attend the Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School (BAVTS), which offers a range of programs.