Since the Covid pandemic, chronic absenteeism has become a major concern in our schools. For students to reach their full potential and remain mentally prepared to learn, being to school on time and present each day is vital. For our elementary students, this responsibility falls predominately on us as parents. We are asking for your help in ensuring your child has the strongest foundation possible for their secondary and post secondary careers.
IMPORTANT CHANGE IN REPORTING ABSENCES: This year, we have activated our email account. To report your child absent you must send a note to this email (hand written notes to your child’s teacher will also be accepted). Please note, emails to the principal, teachers or our secretaries and/or DoJo messages will no longer be accepted. This process is designed to streamline our attendance reporting and minimize errors in record keeping.
**Remember that you are given 3 days to submit an excuse for your child. If no excuse is submitted the absence will remain coded as, “Unlawful.”**
Once again, DoJo will not be used for 2-way communication this year.
All attendance notes should be emailed to: