Home / Academics / Reducing Hatred and Prejudice Conference

Mr. Monceman and Dr. Draper’s  took 41 students to Muhlenberg College on 11/8 to participate in the Reducing Hatred and Prejudice Conference. The students watched the student-written and produced play “Face Forward” and engaged in a open Q & A with the actors following the play. [more below the slideshow]
  • Mr. Monceman's and Dr. Draper's students at Muhlenberg College awaiting the performance of the play.
Students then broke into different groups to hear the story of a survivor of the Holocaust as told by first and second generation survivor’s family members. Students asked questions and then discussed ways of how each one of us plays a part in perpetuating the hate and prejudice, and more importantly, how each one of us can confront the hatred and prejudice to make the world a better place for all people.
The keynote speaker State Representative Michael Schlossberg also shared his experiences with hatred and prejudice and students were able to engage in Q and A with him about his experiences as well. Seniors Connor Steudler, Katja Magyarics, and sophomore Magda Yurchishin were able to ask questions of State Rep. Schlossberg during the Q&A period.