03.14.19: Liberty’s Science Olympiad team came home with two second place medals from the competition. Competing against twenty-seven schools, Liberty’s Julia Zheng and Grace Haas brought home the 2nd place medals for the “Disease Detectives” competition. Grace repeated her performance with Elizabeth Lee, bringing home the 2nd place medal for the “Write it Do it!” competition.
Since its creation in 1984 the Science Olympiad has worked to improve the quality of science education in the United States and the world. The Science Olympiad strives to promote student interest in the science, and recognize outstanding achievement in science education.
The Pennsylvania Science Olympiad has been around since 1985. At the start of the program, only 30 teams competed in one location. The Pennsylvania Science Olympiad now has over 300 teams and has expanded into six different regions around the state. Pennsylvania has done exceptionally well, having 47 high schools and 18 middle schools ranking in the top 10 since the 1980’s. Over the history of this event, Pennsylvania has had three high schools and 2 middles schools as national champions. Overall Pennsylvania has built a stacked resume in the 34 years of the Science Olympiad.