Liberty High School Preschool Lab Registration for the 2023-2024 Preschool at Liberty High School
This preschool program offers a unique educational experience for both preschoolers and high
school students. The classroom environment has high school students interact, instruct, and
observe the preschool students. This allows for one to one learning experiences for the preschoolers focusing on the individual child’s age and ability to stimulate social, cognitive,
physical, and emotional development. This program and the students, high school and preschool, are overseen by Mrs. Engler, the Family and Consumer Sciences teacher at Liberty High School.
Preschool registration requires students to be 3 years old by October 2023, potty trained, have an up to date immunization record, and live in Bethlehem. This is a free program for the Bethlehem Community.
The anticipated start date will be September 19, 2023. The preschool program will be held Tuesday-Friday, 9:15AM-12:15PM. Contact Mrs. Engler at to register or for any questions.