Home / Daily Announcements / Change in NEMS Theatre Company & After School Vocal Groups Rehearsal Schedule, Week of January 8, 2017


NEMS THEATRE COMPANY & AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Rehearsals: This week’s after school vocal groups schedule has the following changes…please make the adjustments in your planner or calendar.

No vocal groups will rehearse after school today, January 11th.

On Thursday, January 12th, there will be a rehearsal for the students involved in Music Man. This is from pages 85-92, featuring the Pick-a-Little ladies, Harold Hill, and Marian – no quartet, please. This rehearsal will be from 3:10-4:30 – please note the length of the rehearsal – it is until 4:30.

There will be no Boys Group/Girls Group/NE Singers rehearsal on Thursday, January 12th.

Thank you for your flexibility. See Mrs. Parker on Thursday if you have any questions or concerns.