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School Closure FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


Will there be any celebrations for 8th graders this year? There will be more information about 8th grade end of the year activities as we approach May & June. We want to help our 8th graders celebrate this milestone safely. We are waiting to plan any events until we see what the requirements are from the city, state, and the federal government. 


What about awards for 8th graders that would have been handed out at the Moving Up Ceremony? Awards will be distributed eventually. We are waiting to plan any events until we see what the requirements are from the city, state, and the federal government. 


Will 8th grade students be prepared for the transition to Liberty High School? Yes. Students completed course requests before the closure. All transition activities will be completed by Liberty High School prior to the start of the school year. 8th graders should watch their emails weekly for information.


Will 5th grade students be prepared for the transition to Nitschmann Middle School? Yes. The NMS administration gathered all the necessary information for the transition. All transition activities will be completed by Nitschmann Middle School prior to the start of the school year.  


My child has a damaged BASD Laptop/power cord. What should we do? Use the link here to enter information to have our Instructional Technology (IT) team help you by phone. This can be for any BASD students with a Chromebook.


My child never picked up their Chromebook. What should we do? Please go to Nitschmann on Mondays or Wednesdays through the bus lane between 10am-1pm to get your child’s Chromebook. 


My elementary age child does not have a Chromebook. What should we do? Please email your elementary school principal. Information is listed on their school websites. 


What about field trips for students? All field trips are cancelled for the school year, including the music department trip to Boston scheduled for May.  


Will I get my money back that I paid for a school field trip? The Main Office staff is working on preparing to distribute field trip money back to parents via US Mail. This is a lengthy process to reissue checks to most of the student body, so please be patient. Mr. Zettlemoyer will be sending information separately about refunds for music department trips. 


My child ordered a yearbook. When will they get it? Currently the 2019-2020 yearbook printing is delayed due to closures at the factory. Once the factory reopens, we will have an expected delivery date to distribute to students.


My child has things in their locker. When will they get it? We are waiting to implement a plan to distribute student belongings and locker contents until we see what the requirements are from the city, state, and federal government. All items will be returned. Lockers will need to be emptied before summer cleaning. 


My child has a band uniform/school instrument. What should we do? Please hold onto in a safe place. We will have procedures to return band uniforms & school instruments. 


My child has a Nitschmann library book. What should we do? Please hold onto in a safe place. We will have procedures to return library books. We will get them back when we can. 


My child has an application for the National Junior Honor Society. What should we do with it? Please hold onto in a safe place. We will have a new application process when we return to school in the fall. 


My child was going to play a spring sport. What is going on with the sports season? PIAA has cancelled all spring sports in Pennsylvania. 


My child is planning on playing a fall sport. What should we do? Coaches will be communicating with students to get connected in a plan to prepare for the season. Do not worry about a sports physical at the moment, as we can not overburden the medical systems with unnecessary requests for sports physicals. Watch our Sunday emails for details from Mr. Ortwein. 


My child is planning on participating in instrumental music, color guard, or majorettes this fall. What should we do?  Watch our Sunday emails for details. Mr. Zettlemoyer & Mrs. Hriniak will have information posted. All music students should be practicing daily/weekly with their instruments through SmartMusic (online music program). 


We are moving and need to disenroll. What should I do?  Email Dr Mayes at pmayes@basdschools.org. He will forward the information to our office staff. 


I have a friend/family member moving to Bethehem and need to enroll. What should I do?  Email Dr Mayes at pmayes@basdschools.org. He will forward the information to our office staff. 


When will PSSA or Keystone Exams be rescheduled?  All exams have been cancelled for the 2019-2020 school year.


Will students continue to get weekly assignments in their school subjects?  Yes. This will continue until school closes for the summer in June. 


How will students be graded for the 4th Quarter and school year?  All students will be graded as “Pass/Fail” in all core subjects (math, english, science, & social studies) for the quarter and year. Only the assigned course material will be graded for each course. This is the same at all 4 BASD middle schools each week. Encore subjects will not be graded. Contact Dr. Mayes with any questions. 


Are students expected to complete their work on Schoology?  Yes. All work assigned to students will be graded in Schoology. 


How will this closure affect my child’s long-term educational goals?  Teachers are already planning for the fall to adjust next year’s courses to make up grade level course content that was missed. Your child is not behind anyone else, as all students are out of school. Contact Dr. Mayes with any questions. 


Will students be expected to repeat the school year?  No. Students will be promoted to the next grade level and teachers will accommodate the needs at that level. Contact Dr. Mayes with any questions. 


Why are teachers providing office hours or 1-1 sessions for students? Why aren’t teachers doing large-group Zoom classes for students?  The BASD developed a plan to provide “asynchronous” or “not live” instruction for all secondary students. That is what assignments are posted on Mondays and due back the next Monday. “Synchronous” or “live” lessons are not effective with large classes. If your child needs help or assistance, your child should email or Schoology messenger their teacher as soon as possible. They will find a way to communicate and support your child. Contact Dr. Mayes with any questions. 


What if my child has a question about an assignment?  Your child should email or Schoology messenger their teacher as soon as possible. 


What if my child can not complete an assignment due to illness in our home?  Your child should email or Schoology messenger their teacher as soon as possible. 


What if my child is having an issue and needs guidance support?  Your child should email or Schoology messenger their guidance counselor as soon as possible. Information is below. All guidance counselors have office hours to answer questions and help.


My child was getting mental health services from before the closure. Will they still get them?  Yes. You or your child should email or Schoology messenger their guidance counselor as soon as possible to coordinate services. 


My child has an IEP. Will they still get the services included in the IEP?  Yes. Teachers are working together to continue to provide the services outlined in the IEP that can be provided safely while everyone is at home. You or your child should email or Schoology messenger their case manager for help. 


My child has an 504 Will they still get the services included in the 504?  Yes. Teachers are working together to continue to provide the services outlined in the 504 that can be provided safely while everyone is at home. You or your child should email or Schoology messenger their guidance counselor for help. 


My child has an GIEP. Will they still get the services included in the GIEP?  Yes. Teachers are working together to continue to provide the services outlined in the GIEP that can be provided safely while everyone is at home. You or your child should email or Schoology messenger Mr. Sukanick for help.