Home / News / Sunday, March 24, 2019 Parent & Guardian Weekly Email Information


Dear Parents & Guardians,

Attached is our Weekly Sunday Update, which can be found at the link or text below.

Thank you.

Mr. Mayes & Mr. Horlick

2019_3_24_Parent Weekly Email

Team Temple International Night April 11 Flyer

Bingo flyer


This Week’s Major Headlines


  • This Friday is the end of the 3rd Quarter, report cards will be out by mail on April 10!


  • Next week, 6th grade students will be selecting world languages for next school year and 7th graders will be filling out requests for Specialized Encore classes. All will be done online! More information is below.



Parent & Student Weekly Email

Nitschmann Middle School Weekly Update

Sunday, March 24, 2019, to Sunday, March 31, 2019

Home of the Nitschmann Nation!

All of this information can be viewed at our

Nitschmann Middle School Website  under Weekly Announcements (Click Here!)

Attachments to Review

NIMAS Bingo Flyer, International Night Flyer

Upcoming Dates to Be Proactive!

(All dates are listed from our NMS Website, BASD Event Calendar, & BASD Academic Calendar)

3/29 End of 3rd Quarter 4/3 Harlem Wizards Game; 4/5 NIMAS Bingo Night; 4/11 International Night 5-7pm; 4/18 Teacher In-Service 11:30 Dismissal; 4/19-4/22 Spring & Easter Break – Schools Closed; 4/23-24-25 PSSA ELA Exams; 4/29-30 PSSA Math Exams; 5/2-3 PSSA Science Exams; 5/15-16 Keystone Exams; 5/27 Memorial Day – Schools Closed; 6/3 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony 6pm; 6/7 Tentative Last Day of School & End of 4th Quarter

Weekly Schedule & Highlights

Monday, 3/25/19 Day 5 Harlem Wizards Assembly for Students, Soccer at Nazareth (4:00); Softball home vs Whitehall (4:00)

Tuesday, 3/26/19 Day 6 Winter Sports Banquet

Wednesday, 3/27/19 Day 1 Softball at Easton Middle School (4:00)

Thursday, 3/28/19 Day 2 Soccer home vs East Hills (4:00)

Friday, 3/29/19 Day 3 End of the 3rd Quarter, March Pride of the Lions, Softball home vs LM (4:00)

Saturday, 3/30/19

Sunday, 3/31/19

Upcoming Weekly Schedule & Highlights

Monday, 4/1/19 Day 4 Start of the 4th Quarter, No After-school activities due to Faculty Meeting

Tuesday, 4/2/19 Day 5 Middle School All City Chorus Concert 7pm

Wednesday, 4/3/19 Day 6 Harlem Wizards Basketball Game! 6pm

Thursday, 4/4/19 Day 1

Friday, 4/5/19 Day 2 NIMAS Bingo 6-9pm

Saturday, 4/6/19

Sunday, 4/7/19

BASD Dining Services Menu & Website https://bethlehemareasd.sodexomyway.com/landing/mid

PE/Health Schedule (Villani, Long, Weinert) Weinert and Villani in the gym, Long is in health. Villani starts health Wednesday March 27th.


Recent Nitschmann News! (Always posted on our Social Media sites too!)

Twitter @NitschmannMS; Facebook @NitschmannMiddleSchool; Instagram@BASDNitschmannMS; NMS School Website; YouTube

Is your child sick?  You can submit your child’s sick note by email to ni-attendance@basdschools.org, as long as the email on your child’s account matches the email address. Please keep your email address up-to-date by emailing our Student Services Guidance Secretary Mrs. Scott at sscott@basdschools.org! Please note that this is ONLY for sick notes, not for early release or any other questions!


School-wide Announcements

BASD E-News (Dr. Roy)  The BASD e-News is designed to highlight BASD student and staff achievements and share events and activities going on in the BASD and the Lehigh Valley. It is our hope that you find it informative.  The latest edition, which spotlights Spring Garden Elementary School Staff members who are Built by Bethlehem, is available to view at BASD e-News March 22, 2019, Edition.


Harlem Wizards (Ellis & Mayes) Nitschmann Middle School is welcoming the Harlem Wizards to play our Nitschmann Staff All-Stars in our gymnasium! The game is open to the community, no matter what school you attend! The game starts at 6:30, doors open at 5:30. Tickets cost (in advance) $8 for students, $10 for adults. Prices increase by $2 to purchase at the door.



PSSA Exams (Mayes) Please review the information that was sent home with all students last week about the upcoming PSSA Exams. This information was also posted online at https://bit.ly/2CrZp4f. Exams begin on April 23, 2019.


7th Grade Accelerated Math Students (Mayes) All 7th grade Accelerated Math students will be taking the Orleans-Hannah Algebraic Readiness Exam on April 16, 2019 to assist school administration with student placement for Algebra 1 for the 2019-2020 school year.


6th Grade World Language Selection Next Week (Mayes) All 6th grade students will be selecting their priority requests for world languages in 7th grade. Students will prioritize their world languages by 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice between German, French, and Spanish. We commit to making sure all students get one of their first two selections. Students will select these online through a Google Form. Parents should talk with their child about which language may be the best fit for them. Parents & students will be notified of their selection prior to the end of the school year.


7th Grade Specialized Encore Classes Selection Next Week (Mayes) All 7th grade students will have an opportunity to request to take a specialized encore class in place of a regular encore class for the 2019-2020 school year. Students will select these online through a Google Form. Parents should talk with their child about which course may be the best fit for them. Parents & students will be notified of their selection prior to the end of the school year. Courses will run if there is enough student interest and ability to schedule in the master schedule. The possible selections are below:

  • 3D Drafting & Printing, Mr. Burzynski (Replaces Technology 8) Students will be learning 3-dimensional drawing, measuring, software, and ultimately designing and printing a 3D container. If time permits, students will be able to design, draft, and print an invention of their own. Includes fee for materials
  • Film Production Class, Mr. Burzynski (Replaces Technology 8) We will be exploring aspects of video production including photography, audio, lighting, composition, storyboarding, lming, and editing.
  • Acrylic Painting, Mrs. Lund (Replaces Art 8) Students will learn about acrylic painting. Includes fee for materials
  • Introduction to Piano, Mrs. de Vries (Replaces Music 8) Students will learn introductory keyboarding skills. This is not a course for students with advanced piano keyboarding skills.
  • Intermediate/Advanced Piano Keyboard, Mrs. de Vries (Replaces Music 8) Have you taken piano lessons in the past, but now nd you don’t have time? Did you stop taking lessons because you couldn’t play the music you liked? Would you like to spend a whole Encore rotation making music? Then this is the class for you! This class is geared to students who are currently taking piano lessons or have taken them in the past. There will be lots of time to work independently on the music you choose and to get individual help from the teacher.
  • Robotics, Mr. Carlstrom (Replaces Engineering 8) Students will examine the connection between engineering & robotics.
  • LED Sign Production, Mr. Kocon (Replaces Engineering 8) Students will examine & create LED signs, product design, & production. Includes fee for materials
  • Vegetarian Cooking Class, Mrs. Hoffman (Replaces FCS 8) Students will learn to prepare foods from around the world while using plant-based ingredients.
  • Advanced Sewing, Mrs. Tapper (Replaces FCS 8) Students will use advanced sewing skills, including unique stitching & projects. Includes fee for materials

Nitschmann Parent Group (NPG) -Follow us on Twitter!@NitschmannPG


Executive Committee

Pres. – Erin Coughlin ecogs76@gmail.com

VP – Deb Clark clark70g@msn.com

Treasurer –

Secretary / Volunteer Coordinator – Kimberly Marcantonio JK0359@HOTMAIL.com

PAC Representatives

1) Amy Wuertele

2) Therese Gyauch


Academic Team Updates

Team Lafayette (6th) (Twitter @NMSLafayette) Our Peaceable Kingdom donation drive will begin on Monday April 1st and go through Tuesday April 16th.  We have attached their wishlist to this notice. Reminder – There are only 2 weeks left to turn in payment and a permission slip for the End of the Year trip.  The final payment must be in by April 5th so that we can order our tickets and secure bussing in time. Please have your child turn this in to their homeroom teacher as soon as possible if they haven’t already done so.


Team Lehigh (6th) (Twitter @NMSTeamLehigh) .Our Medieval Times field trip is May 22nd.  The cost of the trip is $40 a person. Permission slips have been sent home several weeks ago but we have gotten very few back as of yet. Please ask your child about it and have them see their homeroom teacher if they need another copy. The 6th grade is running a bowling night at Towne and Country Lanes Friday March 29th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  If interested the cost is $12 for 2 hours of bowling and shoe rental. Tickets can be purchased from their homeroom teacher. The end of the 3rd marking period is coming this Friday. Please use the home access center to check in on your child’s grades, look for missing assignments and be sure they are getting them done. Many times parents tell us that their child  claims they turned an assignment in and it just has not been graded. Most often this is not the case but you can email us to be sure. Also as you look at the grades for the 1st three marking periods you can make a plan for for what they need in the 4th marking period to get a desired end of the year average. We are looking forward to a strong end of the year!

Team Moravian (6th) – (Twitter @NMSTeam Moravian and Facebook@NMSTeamMoravian) THE MAGIC NUMBER IS 280!!!!!!!!!! You need a minimum of 280 points in each academic class to pass the year! Stay on top of your grades by visiting Home Access Center regularly! The Egypt Project is due next Friday, March 29. No late projects will be accepted. Make sure you are following your math checklist and keeping up with due dates. Next day 4 Team Moravian will be going outside to help beautify our Nitschmann campus. Please dress accordingly. Our next field trip to Moravian College is Apri 5. We will be visiting South Campus for an Art and Music Day. Bring $5 or a lunch that day. Please come to the Wizards basketball game on April 3! Our very own Nitschmann teachers will be facing the Harlem Wizards for a fun night of hoops and happenings. Be there!!!  We will be having a bowling night next Friday, March 29 at Town and Country Lanes in Bethlehem for Nitschmann students and families. Tickets are only $12 for two hours of bowling plus shoes! See you there!


Team Kutztown (7th) (Twitter @TeamKutztown) Team – Thank you to all our families that came out to our annual family pasta dinner on Wednesday night.  It was a pleasure to share a meal and your company!

ELA (Mr. Falteich) – This week the students will begin presenting their 3-4 minute persuasive speeches. The students know the 9 parts of an effective speech and must have good research to support their main points. Families can help by lending an ear for a practice speech at home. The students received a rubric for the assignment and I stressed the importance of giving a speech vs. a dramatic reading. I hope that they enjoy speaking about a topic that they have chosen. Most of them have strong opinions about the topics they have chosen. It should be fun.

Science (Mr. Pearson) – On Monday, we will be reviewing for the Cell Discovery and Structure Test on Tuesday.  Following the test, we will be starting the next chapter on Cell Transport, which covers how materials are moved in and out of a cell through the cell membrane.

Team Penn State (7th) Follow us on social media!! (Twitter @NMSPennState) (Facebook @NMSTeamPennState) (Instagram pennstatenms) The 3rd quarter ends THIS Friday, March 29. Students need to make sure all work is handed in. ELA – Periods 1, 2 & 5 are reading the novel, Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. Periods 7 & 8 will conclude the novel, Notes from the Midnight Driver and have a final test on the book. All classes will have a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, March 26th. SCIENCE-Students will be completing a station rotation activity for several days this week and investigating the science of classification of organisms.  READING-  I will be checking student notebooks this week.  The notebook is the biggest grade because it encompasses daily work and shows a student’s work ethic.  We are reading about civil rights, and I may introduce our project at the end of the week. MATH – Students in periods 1,2,5 and 7 are working on probability.  There will be a quiz Friday on Sections 7-1 – 7-4. Period 8 is continuing to work on geometry.  SOCIAL STUDIES- We started our South America unit this week. We will be doing a webquest this week and students should bring headphones with them to class if they are able to.  There will be a map quiz Thursday 3/28.

Team East Stroudsburg (8th) (Twitter @NMSTeamESU) Remember to get your Hershey money and forms turned in.  History classes will be visited by School Resource Officer Yerk as part of our study of the United States Constitution. Please engage your students in discussions about what we are learning in class. Friday is Physics day on team ESU, we will be visited by the members of the Physics department from Kutztown University.  Reading classes will be finishing Soldier X. Notebooks will be collected and graded this week. In ELA, student will be finishing up their rough draft of their papers. Final papers and projects are due April 3rd (4th quarter). All of the information about the paper is on Google Classroom. Students were made aware when assignments leading up to the paper are due, so it is their responsibility to reach out if they have questions or concerns.


Team Northampton (8th) (Twitter @TeamSpartanNMS) –   History classes will consider the relations between US and Great Britain and analyze the events of 1812. Please be sure your child has HEADPHONES with them.  This announcement to students and parents has been made since August.   Reading classes are continuing our unit on fiction. We are working on elements of fiction and analyzing fiction text. We are reading the novel, The Contender and working on theme analysis and literary elements. My period 3 class is continuing to read and analyze Fahrenheit 451. We just finished Part One and students completed essay responses based on the text. Algebra 1 classes will take their Unit 6 Test on Tuesday and Wednesday and start the Polynomial Unit.   Math 8th students will take their Unit 6 Test on Wednesday and start the Pythagorean Theorem Unit. In ELA classes, we will finish discussing the decisions made by our charaacters in the short story “A Retrieved Reformation.”  We then begin our argumentative writing unit. Requirements for our argumentative essay will be introduced by the end of the week. For our word crime this week, we are analyzing participles. Science, we will be working on the EGG DROP lab.  Dropping eggs on Weds March 27th! TEAM CELEBRATION is finally this coming Friday, March 29th! IF any parent would like to donate a gift card we are ALWAYS greatly appreciative of that!!!!! HERSHEY Park forms and money are NOW BEING COLLECTED – ONLY 30 more school days to get it in!!!!!!      


Counseling Corner (Kehler, Litak, Hipp) None at this time.

Student Services Updates None at this time.


Extracurricular Activities

Is your child interested in an after-school club or activity? Email the advisor for more information!

AM Basketball Open Gym (Mayes) Basketball each Tuesday & Thursday morning at 7:15am. Don’t be late!

Anime Club (Advisors Ms. Fehr/Mrs. Wallach)  Our next meeting is April 15 in room 104. Bring your drawing/art supplies.

Art Club (Advisors Mrs. Kozero/Mrs. Lund) None at this time.

Band front/Color Guard – Information can be found under Performing Arts Department Updates

Artsmart @ Banana Factory (Advisor Mrs. Lare)  Art Smart classes at the Banana Factory are meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Parents, please mark these classes on your home calendar, and if possible, try to avoid scheduling after school appointments if your child is taking a class. Parents need to pick up their children at 6 p.m. promptly at Nitschmann’s main entrance.  Note: there is no class on April 9. The last Tuesday class will be on April 16, which is a make up from the snow cancellation. The last Thursday Art Smart will be on April 4. Thank you.

Cheerleading (Advisor Mrs. Long) Girls basketball game on Monday, Practice Tuesday (pep rally prep) and Boys basketball game on Thursday.

Dance Team (Advisor Ms. Sierra) Practice until 5:30 pm.   


  • BIA show April 7 (Saturday)- Tickets: $10 online (fees not included) 2pm




  • NMS (Notable Moves Showcase) Night April 26 (Friday)!!!! Tickets: $9 online (with fees) 7pm


    • Parents will get code for $3 off 2 tickets (all others are at cost)
    • Parents volunteers needed- please send remind message or email message if you can participate (tsierra@basdschools.org).

German Club (Advisor Ms. Schwartz) None at this time

Heart & Sole Club (Advisor Mrs. Fehr/Ms. Weinert) None at this time.


Fitness Club ( Advisor Mrs. Oliver)  Come get fit after school in the Fitness Lab from 3:05-3:45 Monday thru Thursday.  Mondays and Wednesdays we focus on Core workouts and Tuesday and Thursday we focus on Cardio.

FCS/DIY Club (Advisor Mrs. Hoffman) None at this time.

French Club (Advisor Mrs. Lare)  French Club students make Canadian “inukshuks” out of rocks and candy/cookies.  Inukshuk kits will be for sale at the Team Temple International Night on April 11.  French Club students will be spending the next few weeks preparing for the event. We’re looking for cooks, bakers, artists, videographers, and musicians. Please be sure to ask your child how he or she will be contributing and participating in International Night.

French Trip to Quebec (Advisor Mr.s Lare) – Over the next few weeks students will be working to put together a visual presentation of Nitschmann’s first winter trip to Quebec. –  Madame Lare has a couple items that were left behind. If your child is missing something from the trip, please contact Madame Lare at alare@basdschools.org


Intramurals (Advisor Mr. Ortwein) None at this time

Leadership Council (Advisor Mrs. Ellis) Leadership Council is sponsoring a canned food drive. Send in your donations by February 13th!

Lion Service Club (Advisor Mrs. McLaughlin) None at this time.

Lion’s Pride (online school newspaper)  (Advisor Ms. Bouhana/Ms. Dentith) We will have our weekly meeting this upcoming Wednesday in room 201. We will be working on our third and last edition. Most articles have been assigned already, but we still have some to discuss. All members MUST attend. If you are interested in joining the Newspaper team, speak to Ms. Bouhana or Ms. Dentith about applying. Lion’s Pride Second Edition can be viewed by clicking the link below. Lion’s Pride Second Edition


Mathcounts (Advisor Ms. Novatnak)  Congratulations on a great year.  See everyone in the fall!

National Junior Honor Society  (Advisors Mrs. Wallach/Mrs. Druckenmiller) (Twitter-@Njhs_Nistchmann; Instagram- @Njhs_Nistchmann ) Our next meeting is April 3 both before and after school. We will plan for our induction ceremony on April 16. Continue to check Schoology for updates.

Nitschmann Dramatics (Advisor Mrs. Hriniak) Thank you to everyone who went to see Catasauqua’s show!  We are proud to support our fellow theater organizations in the Lehigh Valley. The next cleaning/sorting/organizing day is Wednesday after school.  You can still order a DVD. Watch your email for special spring opportunities: Cops n Kids is April 27. Rose Garden event in June.

Nitschmann Stage Crew (Advisor Mr. Kehler) Help us replace some of the items that were damaged by donating and spreading this link around.


Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) (Advisor Mr. Amen)   None at this time.


Reading Olympics (Advisor – Mrs. Nonnemacher)  Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 27,  2018, from 3:05 till 5:00 P.M. in the library.  We will meet until 5 P.M. each week now through April 10 . We are meeting as teams and preparing for the competition! It is mandatory that all students  attend each week through April 10. The competition is on April 11, 2019 at 3:00 P.M. at Easton High School. We love having parents come and support their child!  Info will be sent home on Wednesday, March 27 about parents attending the competition, students bringing food, etc. T-Shirts were ordered and will be handed out April 3. If you have any questions, let Mrs. Nonnemacher or Mr. Pearson know.

Riding for Focus (Advisors Mr. Miller & Mr. Hess) None at this time.

The Lion’s Den School Store  (Advisors Ms. Roufakis & Mrs. Evancho) Come to visit the Lion’s Den for your Nitschmann hoodies, t-shirts, and beanies! This year we are also stocking the NMS school approved calculator for $10.  Be sure to stop and browse on your way to lunch!

Online order form….click here.  Orders will not be processed until payment is received.

Ski Club (Advisors Mr. Downey)  


Spain Trip (Advisor Ms. Bouhana) This is the last chance to sign up for our 8-Day trip to Spain in June. Trip dates are June 14 to June 21st. We will begin our journey in Barcelona and work our way to Madrid. We will get to experience an authentic flamenco lesson, as well as one of the oldest cities in the world, Toledo. All Nitschmann students and their families are welcome to join. For more trip details, or to enroll click on the following link. Spain June 2019

Spanish Club (Advisor Ms. Bouhana)  We are meeting Tuesday after school and will be continuing our work for International Night. If you have a song or activity planned for that night, make sure to be prepared to teach it to others. We will be working on our crafts and posters for the night, as well as props for the stories. This meeting is mandatory.

Step Team (Advisor Ms. Sierra) Practice  **Every Tuesday and Thursday until 5:30 pm.   


  • BIA show April 7 (Saturday)- Tickets: $10 online (fees not included) 2pm https://events.ticketprinting.com/event/Bias-4th-Annual-Spring-Fling-Dance-Showcase-32310


  • NMS (Notable Moves Showcase) Night April 26 (Friday)!!!! Tickets: $9 online (with fees) 7pm



    • Parents will get code for $3 off 2 tickets (all others are at cost)
    • Parents volunteers needed- please send remind message or email message if you can participate (tsierra@basdschools.org).

Strategy Club (Advisor Mr. Kehler) eSports…  It’s coming, it’s a thing. Will your students be ready to compete?!

Need some info – https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/27/us/esports-what-is-video-game-professional-league-madden-trnd/index.html

So yeah, turns out you CAN make a living (a very comfortable one) playing games.  Universities are offering scholarships even. There are plenty of reasons to support a program and get involved, and opportunities to network, learn skills and explore careers.

See Mr. Kehler to become a founder.

Donate for other things here: https://www.donorschoose.org/B.Kehler .

Yearbook (Advisor Mrs. Ellis)

Nitschmann Middle School Performing Arts Department Updates

Nitschmann Middle School Instrumental Music Website (Click Here!)

Mr. Zettlemoyer, Instrumental Music dzettlemoyer@basdschools.org


3/25    Monday – Early morning band 7:15 AM

3/26    Tuesday – Early morning orchestra 7:15 AM

3/27    Wednesday – Early morning jazz band 7:15 AM

                               Day 1 Jazz Band 8:26 AM

3/28    Thursday – Early morning band 7:15 AM

3/29     Friday – Early morning orchestra 7:15 AM



  – Link to website: http://www.nmsim.org/lessons/



  – Everyone should have $300 in their fair share account at this time.  If you do not you need to get your payments in.

  – Check your fair share total here: https://tinyurl.com/NIMASFAIRSHARE2018

  – The mandatory trip meeting is April 24, 7:00 PM.  Students going on the trip and a parent must attend.



  -There is a meeting on Wednesday on the band room for anyone who would like to learn the bagpipes.

 – They are looking for students who did not make the band on their instrument or currently do not play an instrument to come out and learn bagpipes.



– Parents and family member who would like to travel to the band’s performance at the Washington, D.C. Memorial Day Parade can purchase bus seats here, BUS SEAT REQUEST, for $40 per person.




  • Wednesday, April 24 at 7 PM


  • ALL students going on the DC trip, a parent or guardian, and chaperones MUST attend.






March 29          PMEA Elementary Band & Orchestra

March 30          PMEA Elementary Band & Orchestra Snow Date

April 5              NIMAS Bingo                                          6:00 PM

April 17         8th Grade Music & Drama Trip to NYC                          7:00 AM – 9:00 PM

April 24         NIMAS Meeting & Mandatory spring trip meeting       7:00 PM

April 27        Jazz Band Cafe’                                                         7:00 PM

May 8              Orchestra/Jazz Spring Concert                                   7:00 PM

May 14*        TUESDAY NIMAS Meeting at Nitschmann                   7:30 PM

May 14          Band Uniform Refit Night                                             6:00 PM

May 18         Hanover Armed Forces Day Performance (WW & Brass Ens) 10:00 AM

May 20         Spring Band Concert                                                   7:00 PM

May 23          Band uniform drop off for trip OR Band uniform return   5:00 – 7:00PM

May 26 & 27 SUNDAY & MONDAY Spring Band Trip

June 3               NIMAS Meeting at Nitschmann 7:30 PM (THIS WILL BE RESCHEDULED)

June 3              Moving up ceremony – String Ensemble                    6:00 PM


COLOR GUARD (formerly BANDFRONT) – (Advisor Mrs. Hriniak) Regular rehearsals Monday and Thursday.  Congratulations on a fantastic Winter Guard Performance! Rehearsals for the spring season have begun.  If you are in BOTH guard and band, your concert band day is Monday and your guard day is Thursday. See email updates for more information. Thank you for your hard work and dedication!


Choral Music (Twitter @ldevriesmusic)

Mrs. de Vries, Choral Music Director ldevries@basdschools.org

Mrs. Parris, Choral Music Director jparris@basdschools.org


Please return All City permission slips to Mrs. de Vries by 3/29.

Weekly Choral Rehearsal Schedule:

3/25 Monday-No rehearsal

3/26 Tuesday-7:15 AM Rehearsal for Glee members not in orchestra

                      3:05-4:00 PM Nitschmann Singers rehearsal

3/27 Wednesday-7:15 AM Rehearsal for all Glee & Singers not in jazz band

                            8:25 AM Activity period rehearsal for all Glee & Singers members

3/28 Thursday-7:15 AM Rehearsal for all Glee members not in band

                        3:05-4:00 PM Nitschmann Singers rehearsal

3/29 Friday-No rehearsal

3/30 Saturday-Optional All City rehearsal at Northeast 9-noon


2018-2019 Important Choral Performance Dates:  (Note changes in bold)

March 9    Optional All City rehearsal at Northeast 9-noon

March 23  Optional All City rehearsal at Northeast 9-noon

March 30  Optional All City rehearsal at Northeast 9-noon

April 2    Mandatory All City rehearsal at Northeast 7AM-7PM; All City Concert  at Northeast 7PM

April 3    Harlem Wizards-Nitschmann Singers sing National Anthem at Nitschmann 6PM

April 11    International Night showcase performance 5-7PM for all Glee and Singers

April 27   Cops N Kids performance at Fowler Arts Center (Inside stage, 6th floor at 12:30-1:00)

May 6       Spring Choral Concert at Nitschmann 7PM

May 15     Nitschmann Talent Show performance for all Glee and Singers 7PM

May 16     Performance at Liberty’s Evening of the Arts for all Glee and Singers 7PM

May 20    Nitschmann Singers sing at the Nitschmann Band Concert 7PM

June 3      8th grade moving up ceremony performance for all Glee and Singers 6PM

Lions/Lady Lions Athletics Updates (Twitter @NMS_Athletics)

Mr. Jon Ortwein, NMS Athletic Director jortwein@basdschools.org


Field Hockey (Advisor Mr. Burzynski)  Intramural practices, 3:05-5:05, Every Thursday in May; 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.  Find out all the details at: (Originally had one Wednesday, but now all Thursdays) https://sites.google.com/s/0B-GsW8mhyYaKcGNnWWV1VmJhaFU/p/0B-GsW8mhyYaKRllzVnl0c2psakE/edit

Intersession Intramurals

Lacrosse Intramurals

Coordinator Ms. Weinert

Volleyball, Boys Intramurals

Coordinator Mr. Kocon

Winter Sports

Basketball, Boys

Head Coach Mr. Wills

Basketball, Girls

Head Coach Mr. Ortwein

Wrestling @ Liberty High School

Head Coach Mr. Klingborn (noahklingborg@gmail.com)

Spring Sports

Soccer, Boys & Girls Co-Ed

Head Coach Mr. Rodenbach


Softball, Girls- Home games are played at NWLL off Kaywin Ave.

Monday- Home game, Whitehall

Tues. Practice-picture day (NWLL)

Wed. Away, Easton

Thurs. Practice (NWLL)

Friday Home, Lower Mac

Head Coach Mr. Downey & Mr. Kocon


Mr. Peter Mayes


Nitschmann Middle School

A LEAD School, partnering with The Leader in Me

“Lions Lead the Way!”

Our Collective Vision Nitschmann Middle School is committed to cultivating a respectful community of innovative learners who are socially competent citizens ready to meet the challenges of their future.

Twitter @NitschmannMS

Facebook @NitschmannMiddleSchool

Instagram @BASDNitschmannMS,

Google+ @NitschmannMiddleSchool

Web http://basdwpweb.beth.k12.pa.us/nitschmann/

1002 West Union Blvd

Bethlehem, Pa 18018

Main Office (610) 866-5781

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