Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for October 24, 2016


DROP OFF TABLEStudent Services has a drop off table.  If you are expecting something dropped off, please come to the Student Services drop off table for pick up.  Ms. Osorio will write you a hall pass or sign your pass.  If you are expecting money, please see Ms. Osorio. Money will not be left on the table. 

BOXTOPSWant to help our school raise money? Please bring in boxtops for education. Boxtops can be found on so many items! Simply cut them off and bring them to your homeroom teacher. Homeroom teachers can then send them to Mrs. Swavely or Mrs. Braido and student council will take care of the rest.

DISMISSALStudents please note that you are not permitted to remain in the building after dismissal unless you are involved in an activity. If you are waiting for a friend, please wait outside of the building.     

SAFE TO TELLIt’s SAFE to Tell.” The SAFE Team exists to help students with problems in a confidential manner to help remove any and all barriers to education.  You can refer your friends or yourself.  Just fill out the SAFE to Tell form which you can find in your homeroom, Student Services, the Library and the Main Office and drop the form in the SAFE Box or give it to your homeroom teacher who will deposit the form for you.  Don’t worry, “It’s Safe To Tell.

BASD PROUD: We have decided to display BASD spirit across the Lehigh Valley with #BASDproud car magnets.  Our goal is for parents, students, teachers and staff to make a visible statement of support by displaying the magnets on their cars. Magnets can be purchased for $2 at the main office of each of our schools as well as at the Ed Center. 

STEP TEAMStep team will practice on every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:05-4:15pm.  Remember boots or sneakers and your permission form.


*Mon, Oct 24 Videotaping of “A Noun’s a Person, Place, Or Thing”  – 3:10-4:15pm

Boys Group/Girls Group/ NE Singers will not meet during this week.

MUSIC IN THE PARKS TRIP: Northeast Singers students who are not instrumentalists are to pick up their fundraising information from Mrs. Parker ASAP.  This fundraising will help towards this year’s Music in the Parks competition.

NEMS THEATRE COMPANY: Tomorrow, October 25, and Wednesday, October 26, 2016 – auditions for the musical “The Music Man, Jr.” Auditions will take place each day from 3:10 until 6:00pm. 

BAND STUDENTS: Thank you, Northeast Musical Hornets, for yet another terrific parade yesterday at Saucon Valley.  A beautiful day to share our Northeast talent and pride.  Our students and parents make us all Northeast PROUD!  

THANK YOU: Special thanks to Sam Graybeal, Christina Stolnik, and Jaden Rivera for their performance at Zoellner Arts Center this past Saturday.  Thank you for sharing your great musical talent to our Northeast Community.  Special thanks to their parents for their support as well.  You make us all Northeast PROUD!

DEBATE CLUBAttention all debaters! The next Debate Club meeting will be tomorrow, October 25th at 3:05 p.m. in room A105. It will be back to its normal day. Any new members are also welcome. Any questions, please see Mr. Gross or Mrs. Schenk.

VOTECHThere will be a VoTech Open House tomorrow Oct. 25th, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. All students are all invited.

MATH NERDSDo you enjoy brainteasers?  Would you like to make words like quirkle, rebus, saduko, q-bits and swish part of your every day conversations? Then join math nerds and brain bashers.  Math Nerds and Brain Bashers is an interactive club that meets every Wednesday from 3:05-4:25pm in Room A305. Permission slips are available in the folders on our posters hanging on every floor or by coming to see either Mrs. Papagni in B305 or Mrs. Shive in A305.  Join math nerds where we make it totes cool to be a nerd!

ART CLUBArt club is cancelled this week. See Mrs. Korhammer to arrange make-up times.

KNITTING CLUBReminder that the first session for Knitting Club is tomorrow, October 25th in room A203 from 3:05-4:05pm.  Those students that are purchasing their own yarn make sure you bring it on Tuesday.  See you all then.

SPORTSAttention field hockey team – Uniform collection will take place for all players after school today in the field house! Please make transportation arrangements for 4pm pickup. See you there, w sticks, goggles, shin guards, jerseys & shorts! Bring everything.