Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for November 22, 2016


MUSIC LESSONS: There will be no instrumental lessons today.

ART COMPETITION: Attention Northeast artists there is a artist competition. If you are creative and enjoy drawing Northeast step team needs you. Northeast step team would like you to create a design for our T-shirt this year. Please draw your design and turn it into Ms Bauder by December 14.  The team will select their favorite design. The winner of the competition will have their artwork on our T shirt and will receive a free T-shirt as well. Any questions please see Ms Bauder.

MATH NERDSBe a nerd and join us in room A305 on Fridays.

DEBATE CLUBThe next debate club meeting will be held December 6th after school in room A105. Please plan on being there. Any questions see Mr. Gross or Mrs. Schenk.

SUPERHERO RESEARCH CLUBPlease see Mr. Spieker and give him your $2. There will be a pizza party on the last day of Super Hero Research Club on Dec. 1st. Again, give Mr. Spieker $2 as soon as you can.

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE CLUB: Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?  There is only oneway to find out- join the survive the zombie apocalypse club. We will be holding a general interest meeting on Wednesday November 30th in room A305.  Permission slips and information will be given out at the meeting.  The club will be held on Tuesdays starting December 6th from 3:05-4:25pm.  Those who arrive survive.  See Mrs. Papagni or Mr. Speaker if you have any questions.  

BOOK FAIR: Last day! We are now in front of the cafeteria and will be open during Student Led Conferences!

ROBOTICS CLUBThere is still space available in the Robotics Club.  If you missed the interest meeting but would still like to join robotics please see Mrs. Papagni in B305 or Mr. Patterson in A309 for a permission slip.  Robotics will meet on Thursdays from 3:05-5:00pm. Come build robots with us.


After school vocal groups schedule is as follows:

*Today, November 22nd – no rehearsal – half day

Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

*Tuesday, November 29th – Boys Group and Girls Group from 3:10-4:00pm

*Wednesday, November 30th – NE Singers – all from 3:10-4:00pm

*Thursday, December 1st – NE Singers – all from 3:10-4:00pm