Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Sunday Shout-Out – Week of November 27, 2016: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this week as we enter into the month of December. Before we start with our upcoming news and events we wish to thank our students, our parents and our staff for last week’s hosting of our Student Led Conferences as well as those who came in to celebrate our children’s Academic Progress during our morning breakfasts. It is very important for us to continue to help our children be in the “driver’s seat” of their education and having them take the responsibility to report on their progress, as was the case in the Student Led Conferences, is one way we do so. Education is changing so quickly and the faster we help children become independent and self-reliant for their own personal learning, the more we help them succeed. We all still need to be a part of our children’s learning by helping them stay focused and committed and to encourage them to never give up when they experience failure or frustration. Perseverance breeds success. To help monitor your child’s progress in school continue to check on-line through our Home Access Center for up-to-date information regarding your child’s performance. We have posted new links and information on our website that will help you navigate the various sites your child must access in this digital age of school. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s Team Leader or guidance counselor, and they will help point you in the direction you need to go.

This week back we start our new rotation of Encore classes first thing Tuesday, when we move to our 3rd rotation. Remember at the middle school we schedule students into six different encore classes throughout the year in order to give our students as many experiences outside of the core subjects that we can in order to help children excel and find their passion. In speaking of one’s passion, please continue to support your child inside as well as outside the classroom as they look to find this zeal that will inspire them in life. Have a great start back from your Thanksgiving break!