PEACE WEEK: Attention! Attention! Peace Week is coming January 17th-20th! There will be school wide activities, morning announcement performances and a week of themed dress up days!
*Tuesday the 17th- Pajama Day! Warm up to a new friend, get to know someone different today! Say hey, what’s up, hello to someone new!
*Wednesday the 18th-Block out the hate! Wear your sunglasses to school and be positive. Too cool to care what others think! Sign the bully free pledge during lunch!
*Thursday the 19th-Sock it to rejection! Wear your most outrageous or colorful socks. Show you accept everyone’s differences and beliefs.
*Friday the 20th-Respect for one another! Wear your team t-shirt or team color to represent working together for peace! We can always count on each other.
Support the peace and get involved!!