Home / News / Last 6th & 7th grade dance! Friday, May 5, 2017, 7-9pm


Get ready for the last 6th & 7th grade dance of the year Hornets!  The Northeast PTO will be sponsoring a dance this Friday, May 5th from 7-9pm.  The theme is Red, White, and Blue!  The incoming 6th grade class is also invited, let’s show them how amazing our school is and show your support!  We will have some great things happening!  The PTO will have Sand Crafters edible Pucker Powder Candy Art.  Come and create your own colorful sour straw!  Just $3.00 to make a 12 inch straw!  The PTO will also have a best dressed patriotic theme contest.  One boy and one girl each will win a gift card to Five Below!  The PTO will also have a great game called Body Poppers.  Try and bop your opponent off the mat to win a prize!  Don’t miss this dance! We will see you this Friday!!