Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for May 23, 2017


FALL SPORTS PHYSICALS: Any 6th and 7th grade student interested in playing a fall sport at Northeast next school year and any 8th grade student interested in playing a fall sport at Liberty next school year – Free sports physicals will be held at Liberty High School from 5PM – 7:30PM on Thursday, June 1st.  You may pick up a sports physical packet in the Main Office or Student Services Office. You must have a completed sports physical packet signed by your parent to take with you the night of the physicals.

AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: NE Singers…thank you for an excellent rehearsal yesterday! Please remember the following:

  1. Please turn in your permission slips ASAP.
  2. We have rehearsal for TJ on Wednesday afternoon with our guest musicians from 3:10-3:45. Please repeat to the chorus room promptly. Be gracious hosts.
  3. Thursday’s clothing is NE-like top and jeans. No holes, please. Sneakers, too…

Thank you for your dedication and talent. Questions? See Mrs. Parker.

7th GRADE HOMEWORK CLUB7th Grade homework club will meet after school this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with Ms. Troutman in A113. Come will all your materials and be ready to get down to work!”

CHEERLEADERSThank you to everyone who tried out for NEMS Cheer last week! Big Congrats though to the 18 girls that made the team! We look forward to seeing you perform next year! Also…any former cheerleaders MUST turn in uniforms to Mrs. Coulter by the end of the week or you will be charged.

DISMISSALAll students are to leave the school building upon dismissal at 3:05PM unless you are signed up and participating in an after school activity.  Students MAY NOT wait in school or on school property for friends or siblings that are attending an activity.  All students who participate in after school activities must also leave the building as soon as their activity is over. Students are not allowed to be in the building unsupervised.

YEARBOOK: Don’t miss out on the memories! Yearbooks are a great way to never forget that you’re #NortheastProud. Don’t wait too long, or they may be sold out. Order forms and money should be submitted to Miss V in room A101. 

NEPTO FUNDRAISER – DAIRY QUEEN: Come Celebrate & Kick Off Summer at the last Eats Out Night of the School Year!Enjoy FANtastic Food and benefit Northeast Middle School too! Bring your family and friends to Dairy Queen Grill and Chill, 2910 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, PA 18017. When: 5 to 8 PM, Thursday, June 1. Northeast Middle School will receive 15% of ALL SALES from 5-8 so tell all your family and friends! There will be a 50/50 Raffle & a Cake Raffle. Tickets $1 each or $5 for 6 tickets. Sponsored by NEPTO! 

TALENT SHOWAttention students! Talent show auditions are NEXT Wednesday, May 31st. Be ready with your act! Singing must have a karaoke track in the background, not the original song. Looking for singers, dancers, instruments!

SPORTSThere will be an important meeting on Friday after announcements for any 6th or 7th grader interested in trying out for a fall sport, cross country, football, field hockey, or volleyball next year.  Please report to the auditorium after announcements on Friday.  Students who will be camping will be accommodated at another time. 

*There will be track practice for any 8th grader interested in running at the 8th grade track meet, Wednesday and Thursday after school from 3:05 – 4:30pm.  Meet in the gym!

8th grade track and field girls will be meeting in Auxiliary gym during 2nd period, the track and field 8th grade boys will be meeting during 7th period in the Auxiliary gym.