Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Week of September 10, 2017: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. This is our weekly “Shout-Out” for our first full week of school in September beginning tomorrow, September 11th. We start by thanking everyone that was able to come out on Thursday to our Open House. We have much to be PROUD and excited about here at Northeast and we are glad we were able to share those PROUD aspects with everyone in attendance. If you were unable to attend our Open House and have any questions about our school please contact your child’s guidance counselor or Team Leader by calling the school at (610) 868-8581. Our Open House was also the beginning of our Northeast Parent/Teacher Organization’s fall fund raiser, the “Save Around the Valley Books”.  The books are $25.00/piece.  Please send the cash or checks (made out to Northeast PTO), and return envelope to your child’s homeroom teacher.  If you choose not to purchase the book please return the book to your child’s teacher. The PTO is charged for unreturned books.  Save Around the Valley sale ends on Sept. 22nd. Also the Northeast PTO is sponsoring its first “Eat’s Out” Date and the first dance of the 2017-2018 school year. The Northeast Eats Out is on TuesdayWednesday and Thursday at Martelluci’s Pizzeria. Northeast Middle School will receive 15% of ALL SALES all day, so tell all your family and friends! Each day features a different grade, but you can go any of the days. It includes eat-in and carry-out. Lastly with news from our NEPTO our first dance is this Friday, September 15th from 7pm-9pm. Admission is $5.00 and it is for any eligible student who receives a pass from their teacher. The snack stand will be open.

In sports this week our fall sports are in full gear. Our field hockey team plays three times. On Mondayand Friday they are away at South Mountain and East Hills and on Wednesday they play here at home against our crosstown rival Nitschmann. Our Volleyball team plays twice this week. On Tuesday we are at home against South Mountain and on Thursday we play at East Hills. Our runners in Cross Country also have a meet on Thursday at Northampton and our Football plays home on Saturday against Whitehall. As always we wish all of our athletes the best.

Finally we end our Shout-Out hoping everyone is able to take a moment tomorrow to remember those that lost their lives 16 years ago in the tragic events of 9/11. May we get to a point where we all live in a world without terrorism and hatred so that our children can raise their children in a world without that fear. As a school we will take time first thing in the morning to help bring that point home for our students in our annual Patriot Day event.

Have a great remainder to your weekend!