Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for October 30, 2017


KNITTING CLUB: Students, are you prepared for the cooler  temperatures? Are you in need of a knitted scarf? Well, if you are and would like to learn to knit your own to wear or donate to someone in need, then come to Miss Ayre’s Knitting Club. It’s open to all grade levels and no prior experience needed.  Stop by room A208 to pick up a permission form.

DEBATE CLUBAttention all debaters! The next debate club meeting will take place October 31, after school, in room A105. Any questions, please see Mr. Gross or Miss Cedor.

AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Rehearsals: There will be no rehearsals this week for the after school vocal groups due to auditions for the musical…please be sure to hand in your ticket order forms for the Salute the Troops Concert this week! The order and your payment are due on November 2nd.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Parker ASAP.

DRAMA: Auditions for the musical Once Upon a Mattress Jr. are set for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, from 3:10-5:30…hope to see you there! Remember…today, October 30th is a day to learn the dance, song, and dialogue for those audition days.  You are welcome to join us in the auditorium today, Monday, from 3:10-5:30.  See you then!

SPORTS8th grade boy’s basketball open gym will be Tuesday, 10/31 from 3:15 to 4:30 in the auxiliary gym. Sneakers are required. 7th Grade boy’s open gym will be Wednesday, 11/1, from 3:15 to 4:30 in the main gym. Sneakers are required.

*Ready to play basketball ladies?! Open gym will be every Wednesday  until tryouts start. Please stop by Coach Schaffrick’s office to   Pick up the intramural form. It is the only way you can participate.  No exceptions!!!

*There will be an open practice for cheerleaders on Wednesday, November 1st at 3:30pm in the hallway by the cafeteria. Any girls interested in possibly cheering for basketball or competition season can attend and we will discuss further information then. Come dressed to cheer and actually practice with us

PICTURE RETAKE DAYPicture retakes are scheduled for Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017. Retakes will be for students and staff members that were absent on picture day or for those that are not happy with their picture package. If you are retaking your picture to replace your original picture package, please make sure to bring with you on Wednesday, Nov 1st the original picture package you would like replaced. 

SKYZONE GLOW JUMPOn Monday, November 6th our parent organization will be sponsoring a glow jump at Sky Zone Westgate Mall from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. for Northeast students only. The cost for this event will be $16, which includes jumping for 2 hours and unlimited beverages. You must wear a white shirt or purchase a glow shirt from Sky Zone for $5. Your parents must complete a waiver online or at SkyZone or you cannot jump. Tickets will be on sale at lunch from October 31st through November 4th. This is a school event so only Northeast students will be able to attend. NEPTO only has 200 tickets so first come, first serve.