Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Week of November 12, 2017: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of November 12th. This week our report cards go home on Tuesday. We can tell you that our teachers have been working with our children to set up goals and strategies to help our children learn at the highest level. Along with the report card there is an informational letter explaining our upcoming Student Led Conferences and how this process guides students and their learning in the direction we are trying to have them achieve. Please be sure to sign up with your team of teachers for our conferences that will be held in the afternoon on Monday November 20th and in the evening on Tuesday November 21st. Please note that our Student Led Conference process does not preclude you from scheduling an individual team meeting with your child’s teachers, but it is just not the process we use during our scheduled conference time. To schedule a team meeting, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher or your child’s Team Leader.

As we move into this week before Thanksgiving, our teachers are busy working on our second quarter goals with our children. We try very hard to get as much instruction in before break, because we recognize the distractions our children face with the holidays and how much we struggle to keep children focused on their learning. Please help your children stay focused on their school responsibilities and help them balance the joys of the holiday season with the expectations from their classes.

Upcoming events this week for our students include field trips for Teams Leaders’ Rock and Voice to Roosevelt Park and our monthly celebration of student success with our Hornet Brunch on Thursday. We host our monthly NEPTO meeting on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in our school cafeteria. This month Dr. Roy, Superintendent of Schools, will be visiting with our parents. Immediately after our NEPTO meeting, we also have our monthly Band Parent meeting in our band room. This meeting starts promptly at 7:00 p.m., and we know our band parents will be busy planning for our holiday concert season. Finally on Friday we end our week with our Encore Team’s “Northeast’s Got Talent” Show. This is a show based on America’s Got Talent, and Friday is the finale of the top 10 performers paired down from over 100 children who auditioned. This should be a great event and a great fundraiser for our Related Arts Teachers.


Have a great remainder to your weekend!