Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for November 17, 2017


BOOK FAIR: Book fair will be open until November 21st. Can’t wait to see you there!

SPORTSReady to play basketball ladies?! Open gym will be today & Wednesday.  Tryouts will officially start on Friday, November 17, 2018.  All sports physicals & re-certification forms must be in by Friday. Please stop by Coach Schaffrick’s office to pick up the intramural form. It is the only way you can participate.  No exceptions!!!

THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVEThis week student leadership is holding its annual Thanksgiving food drive. Any homeroom with a complete basket will earn a class ice cream party. The list of items is posted in your homerooms. So don’t forget! All donations are due today. Last year, we were able to provide 30 families from Northeast Middle School with a complete Thanksgiving dinner! Each homeroom that has a complete basket will earn a prize! See Ms. Swavely, Braido, or Nehilla.

SUPERHERO RESEARCH CLUBNext meeting will be Dec. 7th on Thursday. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Spieker tomorrow on Friday in room A108.

DEBATE CLUBThe next Debate Club meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 28th, after school, in room A105. All members should attend. If you have any questions, see Mr. Gross or Ms. Cedor.”

NORTHEAST GOT TALENTNEGT is here!!! Northeast Got Talent Finals are today. The show starts at 6:30pm. Doors open at 6:00pm. Come see Northeast’s top 12 preform in this amazing competition that supports your favorite Encore classes. You can buy discounted tickets during lunchtime this week for $4.00. The tickets will be $5.00 at the door. New for this year… you can also buy a meal ticket ahead of time! For $3.00 that gets you a hot dog, chips, and a water for $3.00. Prices are more the night of the show, so plan ahead and buy your tickets at lunch. Tickets are on sale now. Come with friends and/or your family. You must have at least one adult per group. Lets pack the auditorium and show our Northeast PRIDE!

NORTHEAST SPIRITWEAR: Attention Northeast: If you would like to buy spirit wear, please see your homeroom teacher for an order form. Completed order forms and money are due back to your homeroom teacher by Thursday, November 30th.

NEPTO FUNDRAISERTired? In a hurry? Stop by for a delicious meal and benefit Northeast! Where: KFC/Long John Silver’s, 2571 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, 18017 When: 5 to 8 PM, Tuesday, Dec. 5. Includes drive-thru, carry out, eat in. Northeast Middle School will receive 15% of ALL SALES from 5-8 so tell all your family and friends! There will be a 50/50 & a Gift Certificate Raffle. Tickets $1 each or $5 for 6 tickets. Sponsored by NEPTO!

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUB MEMBERSAttention World Language Club members, our cultural food fiesta is on Wednesday, December 13th! Please complete the food sign-up sheet located right outside Miss Danner’s room.

THANK YOUGrade 6 Teacher Ms. Anderson would like to thank the student who found her cell phone and turned it into the Student Services office. This act of kindness and wonderful and appreciated.  She is very thankful!