Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 5, 2017



Tues, Dec 5th – Girls Group from 3:10-4:15

Wed, Dec 6th – Boys Group from 3:10-4:15

Thurs, Dec 7th – NE Singers – ALL 3:10-4:15

Fri, Dec 8th – All after school vocal groups from 3:10-4:00 (this is an added rehearsal – thank you for your flexibility!

BARNES & NOBLE NIGHT PARTICIPANTS: NE Singers, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Ensemble members – please remember to bring in your Barnes and Noble pizza order form as well as the cheesecake order form NO LATER than Friday, December 8th.  Please see Mr. Rupnik or Mrs. Parker with any questions or if you need to receive a form.  Barnes and Noble Night, held on Tuesday, December 19th, is just around the corner!

NUTCRACKER PERFORMANCEAre you interested in seeing a performance of The Nutcracker at Zoellner Arts Center?  Get into the holiday spirit and join us for a free performance by the Pennsylvania Youth Ballet Company.  The date is Saturday, December 16th in the afternoon.  Transportation will be provided to and from Northeast to see this wonderful production.  Need a permission slip or information?  Please see Mrs. Parker for details.

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUB MEMBERS: Attention World Language Club members, our cultural food fiesta is on Wednesday, December 13th! Please complete the food sign-up sheet located right outside Miss Danner’s room.

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE CLUBZombie Apocalypse Club Meeting will begin on Thursday Dec. 7th. It will be in room A305 on the 8th Grade floor. ONLY students who have handed in permission slips to Mrs. Papagni or Mr. Spieker with slips prior to that date may attend. There will be a limited number of students this year.  No new members will be accepted once the club is full. Permission slips will not be accepted on the day of Club, they must be in handed in days before. Any questions, please see Mr. Spieker or Mrs. Papagni.

DEBATE CLUBThe next Debate Club meeting will be held Today, December 5th, after school, in room A105. All members are encouraged to attend. Any questions, please see Mr. Gross or Miss Cedor.

RALLY FOR PEACERally For Peace will be meeting every Wednesday and Thursday in A300 from 3:10-4:10pm! Please try to be there! We need to get our products done! Thanks!

NEPTO FUNDRAISERTired? In a hurry? Stop by for a delicious meal and benefit Northeast! Where: KFC/Long John Silver’s, 2571 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, 18018 When: 5 to 8 PM, Tuesday, Dec. 5. Includes drive-thru, carry out, eat in. Northeast Middle School will receive 15% of ALL SALES from 5-8pm so tell all your family and friends! There will be a 50/50 & a Gift Certificate Raffle. Tickets $1 each or $5 for 6 tickets. Sponsored by NEPTO!

BOOK DRIVEHelp support Alfiona, Jacob, Jelissa, and Alex by bringing in old books to support the cops and kids Children’s Hospital of Montefiore in the Bronx New York. Bring in your books by December 15th, remember that the class that brings in the most books will have the choice of an ice cream or pizza party.

SUPERHERO CLUBDon’t forget, today is the LAST DAY OF Super Hero Research Club. The Club will last for Two hours today, Please bring your $2 for the Pizza Party today. Make sure you have a ride home.

DANCEThis Friday December 8, 2017 we will be holding our school dance. The dance is sponsored by the Northeast Athletics Department. Please come out and support our sports teams, we will be having raffles for prizes, NE Athletics Shirts for sale and refreshments, so bring some extra money to spend. The dance will run from 7-9 and the cost is $5.00, also please don’t forget your dance pass.