Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 14, 2017



*Thurs, Dec 14th – No after school rehearsal – concert time!  In school and evening concerts at NEMS!

*Sat, Dec 16th – Once Upon a Mattress:  from 9-10 AM will be scene 7, pages 31-34, including Dauntless, Larken, Winnifred, Rowena, and Lucille. From 10:00 until 11:30 will be all cast members learning the Spanish Panic.  Please note the 11:30 ending time due to the trip to the Nutcracker ballet. 

NUTCRACKER PERFORMANCEAre you interested in seeing a performance of The Nutcracker at Zoellner Arts Center?  Get into the holiday spirit and join us for a free performance by the Pennsylvania Youth Ballet Company.  The date is Saturday, December 16th in the afternoon.  Transportation will be provided to and from Northeast to see this wonderful production.  Need a permission slip or information?  Please see Mrs. Parker for details.

BOOK DRIVEHelp support Alfiona, Jacob, Jelissa, and Alex by bringing in old books to support the cops and kids Children’s Hospital of Montefiore in the Bronx New York. Bring in your books by December 15th, remember that the class that brings in the most books will have the choice of an ice cream or pizza party.

STUDENT LEADERSHIPStudent leadership is selling lollipops $1.00 each at 6th 7th and 8th grade lunches. Have a great day buy one before they run out.

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

STEP TEAMThere is practice from 3:15 until 5:20pm today, December 14, 2017.

RALLY FOR PEACERally For Peace will be meeting every Wednesday and Thursday in A300 from 3:10-4:10! Please try to be there! We need to get our products done! Thanks!

DONATIONSSupport Magdelena, Jailyn, Carolyne, Alianys, and Sharith by taking an ornament off the tree on the second floor lobby, buying an item on the list to donate, and dropping off your donation under the tree. This fundraiser benefits New Bethany Ministries, which in turn helps families in our community. Please help these students’ leadership project!

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE CLUBWe will be meeting today in room A305. Today will be a supply run so please dress in running clothes. Please make sure you also bring in any t-shirt order forms and Mountain Dew bottles with Zombie Codes on them.