Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 19, 2017


AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: RehearsalsNE Singers are the only students rehearsing after school this week.  

*Tuesday, December 19th – Barnes and Noble Night from 6:00-8:30 PM.  You will need to wear your Musical Hornets polo.  See Mrs. Parker with any questions or concerns regarding a polo shirt.

*Wednesday, December 20th – Rehearsal from 3:10-4:00

*NO REHEARSAL on Thursday, December 21st.

*Friday, December 22nd – we will be Caroling in the Lehigh Valley, which takes place during the school day. Please see Mrs. Parker with any questions.  Thank you for your time and talent!

STUDENT LEADERSHIP FUNDRAISERStudent leadership is selling lollipops $1.00 each at 6th 7th and 8th grade lunches. Have a great day buy one before they run out.

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

STEP TEAMPractice will be on Wednesday, December 20th from 3:15-5:20 PM.  Step team practices will be changing to Fridays from 3:15-5:20 PM in the New Year. 

RALLY FOR PEACERally For Peace will be meeting every Wednesday and Thursday in A300 from 3:10-4:10! Please try to be there! We need to get our products done! Thanks!

DONATIONSNortheast…. it’s not too late! Get your donations in for the New Bethany Ministries in South Side. The items needed are printed on the ornaments on the Christmas tree in the lobby. Take an ornament and bring back an item to donate. All donations are due this Friday! Thanks for your kindness and support! 

SPORTSAny student who played football this year please stop by Mr. Korcienski’s room to pick up you Proud Pound.

*The girls basketball team may have lost both games but it was a very physical game and as a whole everyone stepped up. Let’s focus on working hard and working as one and digging deep for a sisterhood of hustle and heart!!!

*Congratulations to the boy’s varsity basketball team on a good win against South Mountain.  The team shot 50 percent from the floor and 78 percent from the free throw line.  Their next home game is Thursday against a very good Whitehall team.  Come out and support the Hornets.

THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Feeling the Christmas itch? Right now, even as we speak little boys and girls everywhere are excited about Santa and his helpers making toys for them up at the North Pole. Early in the 20th century, a group of explorers went in search of Santa, and on April 6, 1909, the first human being reached the North Pole. 

That man was Matthew Hensen, and African-American and Admiral Peary’s personal assistant. He later received a Congressional Medal of Honor for this achievement. Here’s what he has to say: Only man can get a vision and in inspiration that will lift him abovethe level of himself and send him forth against opposition… to do and to dare to accomplish wonderful and great things for the world and for humanity. 

Both Santa Claus and Matthew Hansen have done wonderful and great things for the world. Today, ask yourself what great and wonderful things you want to accomplish for humanity. Then, hold that vision and achieve it!