Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Week of January 7, 2018: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of January 7th. With the frigid weather we have had and that we can expect to have for the next month or two please help us remind students to dress appropriately and in layers as some of the areas of our beautiful school do not heat consistently. We know that learning happens best when we are comfortable and secure. Our facilities department is looking into our HVAC issues and they are working hard to make Northeast warm and cozy during these winter months.   

On to school news: Believe it or not but we are only two and a half weeks away from the start of the second semester! With that information please know that we just began meeting with Liberty High School about the transition of our 8th grade students up to Liberty as the class of 2022! Please parents mark the date of Wednesday, January 24th as the first of several parent orientation nights at Liberty. A flyer will be sent home with our 8th graders and we are sure Liberty will be sending out their own Parent-Link with more information. With this in mind we continue to stress with all of our children the importance of paying attention to their schoolwork because before they know it time will pass and they will all be having to decide what they are going to do after graduation and whether they are going to apply to college or another type of post secondary school. Hard to believe how fast the time does go by. 

This week we will begin many of our 2nd set of after school clubs and activities. Please ask your children if they have signed up to be in our after school clubs and remind them to communicate with you the days they will be staying after the normal dismissal time. With so many activities we really need to make sure our students take responsibility to communicate their whereabouts so that everyone is on the same page. In athletics this week both our boys and girls basketball each have two games, one against Raub and then our cross town rivals Broughal. 

Have a great remainder to your weekend.