Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Week of January 28, 2018: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the last few days of January and beginning days of February. It is hard to believe that we are heading into February. We hope the groundhog does not see his shadow this week, and we get an early spring!! Now that we are at the end of January and entering February the schedule begins to really pick up, especially for our 8th grade students. As 8th grade parents heard this past Wednesday, our 8th grade students get into the course selection process for high school this coming Thursday, February 1st. This is when our 8th grade students will be meeting with their Liberty counselors during the day to review Liberty’s course catalog. Before you know it PSSA’s will be over, and we will be saying goodbye to the Liberty class of 2022 and welcoming our incoming 6th grade children from the elementary schools.

We have a busy week coming up in the gym with both our boys and girls basketball teams playing 3 times this week. Our boys are away on Monday at Lower Macungie and then they come home on Wednesday to play Raub. Thursday the boys play Harrison Morton at home. Our girls schedule is just the opposite as they play Monday at home against Lower Macungie and then travel to Raub on Wednesday and to Harrison Morton on Thursday.

Finally we end the week with our school sponsored “Stomp Show” held in our auditorium on Friday night. This event is a showcase of our students and students across the valley showing their talents dancing and stomping to some great hip hop music. It is always an enjoyable show. Have a great remainder to your Sunday!