Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for February 12, 2018



  • Tues, February 13th from 3:10-5:30pm
  • Wed, February 14th from 3:10-5:30pm
  • Sat, February 17th from 9:00 – noon

Biographies from both cast and crew are due by Thursday, February 15th.  Please see either Mrs. Parker or Mrs. Klose for a biography form. Ad forms for the program are due ASAP – please submit the form and money to Mrs. Parker. Ticket order forms for the musical are now available…order your tickets!

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

SPORTS PHYSICALSAttention any 7th or 8th grade student interested in playing soccer or softball for Northeast this Spring: You must have a sports physical in order to try-out for the Spring sports teams.  If you have not had a sports physical this school year, there will be free sports physicals available.Spring Sports Physicals dates and locations are as follows:

  • Freedom High School – 2/13/18 – Main Gym – 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Cost: FREE

See Mr. Korcienski, Mrs. Jewell, or Mr. Spieker if you have any questions. 

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUB: Next World Language Club meeting will be today, February 12th after school in Madame Johnson’s room B202. We will be learning about Mardis Gras and Karneval!

SPIRITWEARPom poms and beaded necklaces will be for sale this morning for the pep rally. The cost is $1. Show your school spirit!

ZOMBIE CLUBThere will be no Zombie Club on Thursday’s half day. The day will be changed this week to Tuesday, tomorrow.

6th GRADE HOMEWORK CLUB: There will be no Homework Club today, February 12th. The next Homework Club meetings will be on Tuesday, February 13th and Wednesday, February 14th.

TECH GIRLSAttention 6th and 7th grade girls! In partnership with the YWCA, Tech Gyrls, an after school program for girls, by girl is coming to Northeast! Explore weekly STEM activities, do experiments, and think like a scientist. Tech Gyrls will be Thursdays after school from February 22nd to April 19th. Space is limited to the first 20 students that sign up. If interested, please see Ms. Albus in student services for a permission slip.

FUNDRAISERAfter the third week of our campaign we have raised $1677.02 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Congratulations to Ms. Jeffress’ homeroom for raising the most money so far with $516.21. Check the community school bulletin board outside the lunchroom to see how much your homeroom has collected. This is our last week of the campaign so bring in any change you have left! A BIG thank you to Student Leadership for all the help and everyone who has already donated! Way to make Northeast Proud!

NEPTO FUNDRAISER: Once again, Martellucci’s generously giving us 3 Full Days of 15% of all sales to Northeast School. Where: Martellucci’s Pizzeria, 1419 Easton Ave, Bethlehem, 18018  610-865-2013 When: 11 AM to 9 PM, Tues., February 20; 11 AM to 9 PM, Wed., February 21; 11 AM to 9 PM, Thur., February 22. Northeast Middle School will receive 15% of ALL SALES all day, so stop in and tell all your family and friends! Includes eat in and carry-out. Sponsored by NEPTO!

SCHOOL PHYSICALSOn Wednesday morning February 14, 2018 school physical exams will be done in the nurse’s office.  Most of the students involved are sixth graders and all students involved will have individual hall passes.  Students:  If you have any physical exam form, please deliver it to the nurse’s office now so we can update the schedule. While the physical exams are being done, the nurse’s office will be closed except to those students having physical exams and those requiring medications.  Teachers:  Please allow the students to come to the nurse’s office at the time on their pass.  If there is an emergency, please call Student Services 42903.