Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Week of February 18, 2018: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this week starting with President’s Day. First we thank all of the students and parents that took time to come out last Thursday for our Student Led Conferences. These are important to have especially for our students that must continue to hold themselves to high standards of performance. For those parents still wishing to have a more traditional conference talking directly to teachers please remember that you may call your child’s team leader at any time to schedule a conference. Just be reminded that those conferences must occur during the day as that is when there is time in the teachers schedule for these types of meetings to occur.

This week our Northeast Parent/Teacher Organization is hosting Northeast Eats Out at Martellucci’s Tuesday through Thursday. We are very fortunate to have such a great neighborhood partner to help support our school. Our parent association is also meeting on Wednesday in our school library where we will spend a good amount of time teaching our parents all about Schoology and what parents need to know in order to keep informed about their child’s classroom performance. Also Wednesday our Band parents will hold their monthly meeting in the band room. And finally on Wednesday we need your support to vote for 8th grade’s “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing” video about Atlas Machining and Welding. The link for voting is on the Northeast website. Voting starts Wednesday, February 21st and goes until Friday the 23rd. You can vote as many times as you would like. Thank you for your help! To end the week our Explorers team will head out Friday into the woods to see how maple syrup is harvested and to spend time as a team. Have a most relaxing remainder to your holiday weekend. We look forward to seeing all the children back at school on Tuesday.