Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for February 23, 2018



  • Friday, February 23rd:  Cast and crew of Mattress are to report to the auditorium for pictures with Christmas City Studios for the musical!  Costumes on, ready to go.  The faster we make things happen, the faster things will go!  
  • Saturday, February 24th:  Run through of the show from 9:00 until 1:30.  We will be in costume!  Parent preview of the show and feedback will be from noon until 12:45,pm then, we’ll be changing out of costume from 12:45-1:30.  Be sure to have a good breakfast before you get to rehearsal!  Please schedule to arrive prior to 9 AM so that you can change into costume.   See Mrs. Parker for any questions.

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

TECH GYRLSAttention 6th and 7th grade girls! In partnership with the YWCA, Tech Gyrls, an after school program for girls, by girls is coming to Northeast! Explore weekly STEM activities, do experiments, and think like a scientist. Tech Gyrls will be Thursdays after school from February 22nd to April 19th. Space is limited to the first 20 students that sign up. If interested, please see Ms. Albus in student services for a permission slip.

STEP TEAMThere is practice today February 23rd from 3:15-5:20pm.  Please bring any fundraiser money ASAP.

PLEASE VOTEWe need your vote! A team of 8th grade Northeast students has entered a video competition about a company called Atlas Machining and Welding. The public can vote as many times as they want for their favorite video. Please support our Northeast team by using the link on Northeast’s website and voting as many times as possible today! Thank you!

6TH GRADE HOMEWORK CLUBThe Homework Club meeting has been cancelled today. There is no meeting after school today. The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 27th.

BOYS BASEBALLAttention all 8th grade boys who are interested in trying out for the Liberty Freshman Baseball Team, there will be a meeting today, 2/23/18 in the cafeteria during activity period.  If you have any questions please feel free to see Mr. Korcienski.  If you plan on trying out, you will need a physical to attend the tryouts, forms can be picked up from Mr. Korcienski

SOCCER: Attention all Northeast Soccer Players. There will be an OPEN GYM for Soccer after school Tuesday Feb. 27th and March 6th. There will be an OPEN GYM for soccer after school Tuesday Feb. 27th and March 6th. If you have any questions, please see Coach Spieker in room A108.

BOYS BASKETBALL: Attention 6th grade boys.  There will be a boys basketball open gym for 6th grade boys ONLY on Wednesday 2/28 from 3:25 to 4:15.  Just wait in the gym until Mr. Carlstrom arrives.  If you have any questions, you may see Mr. Korcienski in A107.

GIRLS SOFTBALL: Attention all girls’ softball players! There will be an open gym on Thursday, March 1st from 3:05-4:30pm for anyone who can make it.  Official try-outs will begin Monday, March 5th.  See Mrs. Jewell or Mr. Korcienski for physical forms and any questions you might have.  We hope to see you next week!

BOOK FAIR: The Spring Book Fair will be starting Friday, March 2 and will be held in the library. Hope to see you there!

FUNDRAISERHello, We’re from team Leaders Rock, and we are doing a project for kids with cancer at the Lehigh Valley Childrens Hospital. Please help us get as many donations as possible for these amazing kids. Over the next 2 weeks, until March 8th, you can donate these items: Craft supplies, movies and video games, board games, toys and toiletries like: deodorant, toothbrushes, mouthwash, toothpaste, body wash and etc. There are boxes all throughout the school where you are able to drop off your item. Thanks for your help! 

Here’s your Superhero Tip of the Day- Be sure to ask your relatives if they would like to support our school by buying an item or two out of your fundraising books or online. Keep up the tremendous effort, students! We need you to help us accomplish our goal, and remember that doing GOOD just feels GOOD!

Lollipop sale tomorrow at 6th, 7th and 8th grade lunches. All are $1 each, all types of flavors, shaped like lips and hearts. Get one before they run out! Also bring in more boxtops, we need to keep going.