Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for February 28, 2018



  • 2/28 3:10-6pm Run through
  • 03/1  7pm Musical
  • 03/3 3pm Musical

TECH GYRLSAttention 6th and 7th grade girls! In partnership with the YWCA, Tech Gyrls, an after school program for girls, by girls is coming to Northeast! Explore weekly STEM activities, do experiments, and think like a scientist. Tech Gyrls will be Thursdays after school from February 22nd to April 19th. Space is limited to the first 20 students that sign up. If interested, please see Ms. Albus in student services for a permission slip.

FUNDRAISERTeam Leaders Rock, is doing a project for kids with cancer at the Lehigh Valley Childrens Hospital.  Please help us get as many donations as possible for these amazing kids. Over the next 2 weeks, until March 8th, you can donate these items:  Craft supplies, movies and video games, board games, toys and toiletries like: deodorant, toothbrushes, mouthwash, toothpaste, body wash and etc.  There are boxes all throughout the school where you are able to drop off your item. Thanks for your help!

Our school fundraiser is almost over, but its not too late to sell a few more things! Have you done everything you can do to reach your prize goal? Superhero Tip of the day- There’s still time! Be sure to check your online sales thermometer to track those online sales. They can help you reach the prize goal you are shooting for! Maybe you still haven’t sold anything. It’s not too late! Just a few more days to make sure we hit fundraising goal. 

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

BOYS BASKETBALLThere will be a boys basketball open gym for 6th grade boys ONLY on Wednesday 2/28 from 3:25-4:15pm.  Just wait in the gym until Mr. Carlstrom arrives.  If you have any questions, you may see Mr. Korcienski in A107.

GIRLS SOFTBALL: Attention all girls’ softball players!  There will be an open gym on Thursday, March 1st from 3:05-4:30pm for anyone who can make it.  Official try-outs will begin Monday, March 5th.  See Mrs. Jewell or Mr. Korcienski for physical forms and any questions you might have.  We hope to see you next week!”

BOOK FAIR: The Spring Book Fair will be starting Friday, March 2 and will be held in the library. Hope to see you there!

LHS BAGPIPE SQUAD MEETINGThere will be a meeting for any student interested in being a member of the bagpipe squad at Liberty High School this Friday at 7:20AM in the Northeast Band Room.  If you are interested in learning how to play the bagpipes, regardless of the grade level you are in, please plan on attending this meeting.  If you have any questions, please see Mr. Rupnik in the Band Room.

ZOMBIE CLUBAttention all members of the surviving the zombie apocalypse club.  Tomorrow is our end of club party.  Please make sure you have a snack or drink to share to celebrate.  We will also be showing our slide show presentations during this meeting.  Any food or drinks may be dropped off ahead of time in Mrs. Papagni’s room which is B305.

THOUGHT OF THE DAYThey say no two snowflakes are alike. That’s amazing to think about when you consider all the millions and trillions and quadrillions of snowflakes that fall to earth each winter. Imagine – each snowflake a different shape and a different size, unique and unrepeatable. Sounds like human beings. Remember what Juan Mascaro said: Each one of us is a unique event in the universe. 

Now listen to this little poem about snowflakes: 

Though each flake is very different

There is one point you should know:

As the snowflakes reach the Earth below

They become one in a great blanket of snow.

Which brings me to this: Just like a great blanket of snow, made up of all those unique and unrepeatable snowflakes, we are one huge blanket of unique and unrepeatable human beings covering Planet Earth. Imagine that! Today, think about the choices that you make to keep you a unique individual, and one who tries to be like others.

CONGRATULATIONSCongratulations to the 8th grade What’s So Cool About Manufacturing video team! Erin Eisenhart, Olivia Korf, Brion Griffin, Alexa Snyder, Riley Aidala, Inhee Kim, Logan Pickering, and Jaden Rivera won the most outstanding video award for their video about Atlas Machining & Welding! You make us all Northeast proud!