Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 1, 2018



  • 03/1  7pm Musical
  • 03/3 3pm Musical

TECH GYRLSAttention 6th and 7th grade girls! In partnership with the YWCA, Tech Gyrls, an after school program for girls, by girls is coming to Northeast! Explore weekly STEM activities, do experiments, and think like a scientist. Tech Gyrls will be Thursdays after school from February 22nd to April 19th. Space is limited to the first 20 students that sign up. If interested, please see Ms. Albus in student services for a permission slip.

FUNDRAISERTeam Leaders Rock, is doing a project for kids with cancer at the Lehigh Valley Childrens Hospital.  Please help us get as many donations as possible for these amazing kids. Over the next 2 weeks, until March 8th, you can donate these items:  Craft supplies, movies and video games, board games, toys and toiletries like: deodorant, toothbrushes, mouthwash, toothpaste, body wash and etc.  There are boxes all throughout the school where you are able to drop off your item. Thanks for your help!

*Tomorrow is turn-in day for the fundraiser packets! Remember to bring in your order forms and money back to the school in the packet! You can still earn prizes by selling things tonight! Superhero tip of the day: Can you think of anyone you have not talked to about our fundraiser? Be sure to call or email them and ask them to help you and our school! Remember that you get a prize credit for every item you sell online or in person. Also, be sure to fill out on your order form the prize choice you worked so hard for. You are all heroes for helping out our school by participating in our fundraiser.

NEPTO FUNDRAISER: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!  –  Come out and celebrate your recent successes and achievements! Hungry for great food and delicious ice cream desserts? Stop by Friendly’s and benefit Northeast! Where: Friendly’s, 3099 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA 18045 When: 5 to 8 PM, Tuesday, March 6. Includes Dine in, Take out and Ice Cream. Northeast Middle School will receive 10% from 5-8 so tell all your family and friends! Sponsored by NEPTO. Enjoy a night off from cooking while supporting us!

GIRLS SOFTBALLAttention all girls’ softball players!  There will be an open gym today, Thursday, March 1st from 3:05-4:30pm for anyone who can make it.  Official try-outs will begin Monday, March 5th.  See Mrs. Jewell or Mr. Korcienski for physical forms and any questions you might have.  We hope to see you next week!”

SOCCER: Attention Soccer Players. There will be one more Open Gym for Soccer on Tuesday March 6th. Tryouts for Soccer will begin on March 12th. Remember, you MUST have a physical in order to try out for the Soccer Team. If you have any questions, please see Coach Spieker in room A108.

BOOK FAIR: The Spring Book Fair will be starting Friday, March 2 and will be held in the library. Hope to see you there!

LHS BAGPIPE SQUAD MEETINGThere will be a meeting for any student interested in being a member of the bagpipe squad at Liberty High School this Friday at 7:20AM in the Northeast Band Room.  If you are interested in learning how to play the bagpipes, regardless of the grade level you are in, please plan on attending this meeting.  If you have any questions, please see Mr. Rupnik in the Band Room.

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm  until April 6th.

THOUGHT OF THE DAYHave you ever had a difficult time going to sleep at night because you did something that you knew was wrong? The Japanese have a wonderful proverb: Let a man so act by day that he may lie happily on his mat by night. The Germans say the same thing in another way: A good conscience makes a soft pillow. Is your conscience bothering you? Do you need a good night sleep? Talk with someone you trust – your mom or dad, faith leader, teacher, or counselor. Tell the person what you did, and let him /her help you decide how you can best mend the situation. Then, do your very best to learn from your mistake, forgive your-self, and move on.