Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 5, 2018


STEP TEAM: Permission forms for the Hershey trip are due to Ms. Bauder before the end of the day on Monday. Please return it or you may not attend the trip.

DRAMAThank you to the cast, crew, and Northeast family of “Getting to Know Once Upon a Mattress” for a successful run of performances!  You make us NORTHEAST PROUD with your talent!  Let’s make t-shirt day on Monday, March 12th.  Remember, we will be watching a recording of the production after school on the 12th from 3:10-4:45pm in the auditorium.  See Mrs. Parker with any questions. Remember…we will be announcing next year’s show after the viewing!

*Cast of Mattress – please bring in your scripts no later than March 12th.  If you are interested in keeping your script, the cost is $12.  See Mrs. Parker with any questions.

*Attention all stage crew, crew is canceled today due to a faculty meeting.


  • Monday, March 5th – no rehearsal – meeting
  • Tuesday, March 6th – NE Singers – ALL from 3:10-4:15pm
  • Wednesday, March 7th – Boys Group from 3:10-4:00pm
  • Thursday, March 8th – Girls Group from 3:10-4:00pm
  • Monday, March 12th – In order to be able to see the video of this year’s musical, the Girls Group rehearsal will be combined with the Boys Group rehearsal on Thursday, March 14th, from 3:10-4:00pm.  Please rearrange your calendar accordingly.  Thank you for your flexibility, girls!

TECH GYRLSAttention 6th and 7th grade girls! In partnership with the YWCA, Tech Gyrls, an after school program for girls, by girls is coming to Northeast! Explore weekly STEM activities, do experiments, and think like a scientist. Tech Gyrls will be Thursdays after school from February 22nd to April 19th. Space is limited to the first 20 students that sign up. If interested, please see Ms. Albus in student services for a permission slip.

SOCCER: Attention All Soccer Players. There will be one more OPEN GYM tomorrow after school Tuesday until 4pm.  Tryouts will begin next week on Monday March 12th. You cannot tryout unless you submitted a Physical Form. Any questions please see Coach Spieker room A108.

GIRSL SOFTBALL: Attention all girls’ softball players! Official try-outs will begin today, Monday, March 5th.  See Mrs. Jewell or Mr. Korcienski for physical forms and any questions you might have.  We hope to see you next week!”

FUNDRAISERTeam Leaders Rock, is doing a project for kids with cancer at the Lehigh Valley Childrens Hospital.  Please help us get as many donations as possible for these amazing kids. Over the next 2 weeks, until March 8th, you can donate these items:  Craft supplies, movies and video games, board games, toys and toiletries like: deodorant, toothbrushes, mouthwash, toothpaste, body wash and etc.  There are boxes all throughout the school where you are able to drop off your item. Thanks for your help!

CONGRATULATIONS! We did it! Thanks for a job well done! Please make sure all your packets and money are turned in today! Fundraiser tip of the day- If you forgot your packets and money, please bring them tomorrow! A special thanks to all students, staff and administrators! We are all heros and make a great team!

*Hey 6th graders! Do you want to use your electronics for 8th and 9th period? Well bring in $6 to use your electronics for 8th and 9th period in the auxiliary gym March 9th. That is this Friday! Bring the money in as soon as you can! All donations will help Action Against Hunger. See you there!

*Attention 6th graders. Today is Playing for Parkinson’s. We will be playing basketball and other fun games. Be sure to give your teacher your $3. All participants will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win prizes. Thank you. Hope to see you there!

NEPTO FUNDRAISER: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!  –  Come out and celebrate your recent successes and achievements! Hungry for great food and delicious ice cream desserts? Stop by Friendly’s and benefit Northeast! Where: Friendly’s, 3099 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA 1804 When: 5 to 8 PM, Tuesday, March 6. Includes Dine in, Take out and Ice Cream. Northeast Middle School will receive 10% from 5-8 so tell all your family and friends! Sponsored by NEPTO. Enjoy a night off from cooking while supporting us!

BOOK FAIR: The Spring Book Fair is now open! Check with your World Languages, Math Literacy, and Reading Literacy teachers to find out when you will visit the book fair. There are lots of great books! 

GIRL SCOUTSThe girl scouts will be meeting every Friday from 3:10-4:05pm until April 6th.

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUB MEMBERS: The next World Language Club Meeting will be on Wednesday, March 7th and Thursday, March 8th in Señorita Danner’s Spanish room B201. Hope to see you there!

MATH NERDS & BRAIN BASHERSThe nerds are back at Northeast.  If you would like to join math nerds and Brain Bashers, please come to room A307, which is Mr. Gavronski’s room, on Wednesday the 7th and Thursday the 8th.  Math Nerds and Brainbashers is a STEM club for kids who enjoy challenging puzzles and brainteasers.  This year we will be incorporating the Lehigh Valley Bridge Design Contest into our club.  Students will create a bridge design and submit it to the American Society of Civil Engineers.  Students can complete this contest as an individual or as a team. Each member of the top team in the Middle School Category will receive a $100 cash Scholarship. Students are encouraged to enter as many successful bridge designs as possible.  Also, any former robotics students who did not complete their circuit boards during our robotics club session are welcome to continue soldering during any scheduled math nerds dates.  If you have any questions please see Mrs. Papagni.  Remember, it’s better to be a nerd than one of the herd.