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Week of March 11, 2018: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of March 11thThis Wednesday we will host our annual STEAM Night. This fun night of hands-on learning experiences in the sciences, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics will be held from 5:30-7:30pm. It is a FREE event for all of our families. You may sign up online through the link from our website or on Wednesday at the door. Entry is through the auditorium doors by the cafeteria. This week is a busy week for our Northeast Band and our Band Parents. We start with our Jazz Band playing in Broughal’s Jazz festival on Friday. Our Marching Band then turns around and plays Saturday in the newly formed Saint Patrick’s Day Parade on the Southside. The parade begins at 1 p.m. and starts out at the Hoover Mason Trestle at the SteelStacks. Finally our Northeast Band/Orchestra Parent Organization (NEBOPO) will be hosting their 2nd annual Cash Bingo and Tricky Tray event on Sunday, the 18th in our school cafeteria. Doors open at 1pm. and the games begin at 2 p.m.

This week our spring sports are beginning the arduous task of making teams in both our softball and soccer tryouts. We commend all of the students trying out and wish our student athletes the best whether it be on the field or in the classroom.

Finally we share with families information about what the Women’s March organizers are encouraging students to participate in on Wednesday, March 14th at 10 a.m.; a national school walkout to protest gun violence. We share with you that students at Northeast who are planning to participate in this walkout will not be deterred, however, we will ask them to follow some outlined procedures so they are accounted for and are safe. This information will be shared with students in an email sent to their school computers Monday morning. We will also be emailing this same information to you as parents immediately following this Shout Out. Students who choose not to participate will remain in their third-period class with their teacher and continue with their daily lesson. This walkout is a student-led event that will be monitored by staff to promote safety, accountability and appropriate behavior. Please speak with your child and discuss if this is something in which you want them to participate. After this past week with the cyber threats made from Florida against our school we hope that you take this time to talk with your child about the circumstances surrounding this movement and about staying safe in school and in the community and understanding how some strive to have you feel unsafe and unsecure.

Have a great remainder to your weekend.