Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 13, 2018


AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPSThe Girls Group rehearsal will be combined with the Boys Group rehearsal on Thursday, March 14th, from 3:10-4pm.  Please rearrange your calendar accordingly.  Thank you for your flexibility, girls!

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUB MEMBERS: Our next meeting will be this Wednesday, March 14th in Señorita Danner’s room B201. See you then!

DANCE TEAMRemember forms are due. If you have permission forms, please give them to Mr. Huie. Mr Huie is also collecting salsa papers.

SOCCERAttention Northeast Soccer Players! Yesterday was the start of Soccer Tryouts for the Northeast Soccer Team. Please have all proper Physical Form Packets and Section 7 Forms into Mr. Spieker by today. There is a chance you cannot tryout unless you have these proper forms done with your parents & guardians. If you need forms, please go to the Main Office or see Mr. Spieker in room A108. 

LIBERTY CHEERLEADING: Any 8th grader interested in trying out for the Liberty High School Cheerleading Team for the 2018-2019 school year should plan on attending an important informational meeting with Coach Ross from Liberty on Wednesday, March 21st @ 3:05PM in the Health classroom.

FUNDRAISERDo you want to taste some really good cookies for an amazing cause? Well if you do, we have a cookie cook-off happening this Friday, March 16. To participate, the cost is one dollar. You will be able to taste all the cookies that your teachers made at lunch and vote for the best. The money raised will support the Semper Fi Fund, which supports wounded veterans. Thank you and if you have any questions, ask Maksym Johnson at A212 or Mrs. Bradio at A211. Don’t forget to bring in your dollar this Friday to taste test the amazing cookies!