Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 19, 2018


DANCE TEAMDance team, remember, forms are due. If you have permission forms, please give them to Mr. Huie. Mr. Huie is also collecting salsa papers.

DRAMACast of Once Upon a Mattress – your scripts are due this week. If you wish to keep it, it will cost $12.  Remember, your scripts have an assigned number. Please get them to Mrs. Parker as soon as possible. Thank you.


  • Monday, March 19th – Girls Group from 3:10-4:00pm
  • Tuesday, March 20th – NE Singers – all from 3:10-4:15pm
  • Wednesday, March 21st – Boys Group from 3:10-4:00pm
  • Thursday, March 22nd – NE Singers – all from 3:10-4:15pm.

See you then!  Please mark your calendars accordingly and see Mrs. Parker with any scheduling conflicts.  Also, please hand in your trip signup sheet as soon as possible. Thank you.

CHEERLEADINGAny 8th grader interested in trying out for the Liberty High School Cheerleading Team for the 2018-2019 school year should plan on attending an important informational meeting with Coach Ross from Liberty on Wednesday, March 21st @ 3:05PM in the Health classroom. 

SOCCER: Attention Northeast Soccer Players, today and tomorrow are the last two days of Soccer Tryouts. If you hope to make the team, it is important that the coaches get to see you today and tomorrow before cuts are made. Please make sure you have warm clothes and the proper footwear and gear to play inside the gym and outside this week. If you have any questions, please see Coach Spieker in room A108.