Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for March 26, 2018



  • 3:10-4pm Monday, March 26, 2018 – Girls Group and NE Singers – Girls
  • 3:10-4pm Tuesday, March 27, 2018 – Boys Group and NE Singers – Boys

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUBOur next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 28th after school in room B202. We will be learning about Easter vocabulary and culture in French, German, and Spanish-speaking countries.

MINI-THONMini Thon merchandise will be sold at all lunch periods this week and next week. Bracelets, headbands, and lanyards will be sold for $1 each. Long-sleeve t-shirts will be sold for $15 each. Every item that you purchase gets you a ticket towards a raffle to win a free Mini Thon t-shirt.  Please help support Liberty high School’s Mini Thon.