Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for April 19, 2018


MAJORETTES: If you are interested in trying out for the Northeast Majorettes for next school year, please plan on attending the practice dates on Monday, April 30th and Tuesday, May 1st from 6PM – 8PM.  Majorette tryouts will be held on Wednesday May 2nd from 6PM – 8PM. Practices and tryouts will be held in the gym.  Please bring your own baton and wear sneakers.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Davis or Mr. Rupnik.

The try-out date for the Liberty High School Majorette Squad is on Wed. May 9, 2018 after school at Liberty HS in the band room.  The candidates trying out will be responsible for learning a 64-count Liberty High School routine AND developing a 32-48 count routine of their own.  The practice and try-out will be held on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at Liberty High School as soon as our school day is over. Music is optional if you wish to bring it. Students are to bring a copy of their most recent report card to the try-out.  Students MUST march during their entire try-out. (They should march during the Liberty High School routine & their own routine.) Please see Mr. Rupnik if you have any questions or concerns.


  • Thursday, April 19th – NE Singers – all from 3:10-4:15
  • Friday, April 20th – Ethan Bortnick concert rehearsal from 3:10-4:00
  • Saturday, April 21st – Ethan Bortnick concert rehearsal at NE from 9:00-10:30 AM…donuts, anyone?

Thank you for your time and talent!

DRAMA: Dear cast of Once Upon a Mattress…it’s time to get ready for Cops ‘n Kids!  Please stop by and pick up the information from Mrs. Parker regarding the performance.  We have rehearsal on Thursday, April 26th and Friday, April 27th from 3:10 until 4:30 to bring all of our songs and dances back to life for the Bethlehem community. Crew…if you’d like to join us, please do! See Mrs. Parker with any questions.  Thank you for your time and talent!

6th GRADE HOMEWORK CLUBHomework Club will start again today Thursday, April 19th after school in room B201. If you are interested in joining, please see Miss Danner for a permission form and list of meeting dates.

SPORTSThe Lady Hornets softball team endured the cold and even a couple innings of SNOW to earn another win yesterday. It took an extra inning, but the girls pulled together to score 15 runs to back some solid pitching by Hannah Bosco. The team will be back at home next Thursday, when it will hopefully be a little warmer!

STEP TEAMAttention step team mandatory practice is on Friday from 3:15-5:20pm

WORLD LANGUAGE CLUB MEMBERS: Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 25th after school in Señorita Danner’s room B201. We will be learning about Cinco de Mayo! Hope to see you there!

WORLD PERCUSSION ENSEMBLEDon’t forget, we have practice during activity period today and also practice after school. Performance next week! Let’s get ready!

ARCHERYPermission slips for advanced spring archery will be given out this week in Mrs. Papagni’s room. Spring archery is only for Northeast archers who have completed the beginner program here at Northeast or any returning advanced archer.  If you were a member of the 6th grade beginner team or the 7th and 8th grade beginner team in the fall, you are eligible to join the advanced spring team.  This spring we will be focusing on learning how to shoot an indoor 3D style tournament according to the International Bowhunting Organization’s rules for 3D.  This style of archery is a lot of fun and very competitive so make sure you pick up your permission slips. 

DENTAL EXAMSOn Friday morning April 20, 2018 the remainder of this year’s seventh grade school dental exams will be done in the nurse’s office.  Those students involved will have individual hall passes. Students: If you have any dental exam form, please deliver it to the nurse’s office now so we can update the schedule. While the exams are being done, the nurse’s office will be closed except to those students having dental exams and those requiring medications.  Teachers: Please allow the students to come to the nurse’s office at the time on their pass.  If there is an emergency or you have a question during the exams, please call Student Services 42903.

MATH NERDS: Mrs. Papagni has your half pounds.  Please stop by her room B305 to pick up your half pound.  Remember, you needed to make the majority of math nerd sessions in order to earn a half pound. 

THOUGHT OF THE DAYListen up! The Arabs have an old proverb like this: The sword wounds the body, but words wound the soul. It’s true, you know. Words can wound. Unkind words… abusive words can really hurt. Sometimes they can hurt for a very long time. If you take a minute to think about this, you can probably remember something someone said to you a long time ago to hurt your feelings. There are a lot of people who look just fine on the outside, but inside they’ve been wounded by unkind word .So how do we heal the wounds? Talk to someone and share your feelings. Then remember what John Heywood said: It hurteth not the tongue to give pleasant words. Today lets heal some wounds. Be especially aware of how you speak to others and give away a few kind words.