Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out


Week of April 22, 2018: Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this 4th week of April and our 8th grade Science PSSA testing. We continue to ask that as parents you help us promote your child’s best performance on these state assessments by continuing to encourage your child to do their best and also by providing your child with support throughout the week in all the ways you are able. All of our children worked extremely hard on the PSSAs, and we are hoping the 8th grade students make this same great effort during these last two days of science testing. The 8th grade testing is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. Also on Monday and Tuesday we have our Honor Roll Breakfasts for those deserving students and their parents. We start on Monday with 6th grade and on Tuesday we host our 7th and 8th grade children. These events start at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. On Wednesday afternoon we will celebrate our 8th grade students having finished their state testing by hosting a celebration dance and games. Also this week we start having our incoming 6th grade students visit us for the day. We start on Monday with Lincoln, Tuesday we have William Penn and we host Marvine on Friday.  

In sports this week our girls softball team is scheduled to play twice with both games against our Parkland foes. On Tuesday they are away against Orefield and on Thursday they play at home against Springhouse. Our soccer team plays four times this week. The team is home against Whitehall on Monday, East Hills on Thursday and Friday against Broughal. They play at Harrison Morton on Wednesday.


Finally if you get a chance remember to visit the Cops ‘n’ Kids’ Event happening on Saturday.   We have plenty of showcases with our students, so if you get some time please stop on over by the SteelStacks for this worthwhile event.   Have a great remainder to your Sunday.