Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of September 16, 2018


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends.  Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of September 16th.  This week our Northeast Parent/Teacher Organization (NEPTO) sponsors its’ first Northeast Eats Out Night. It is the evening of Tuesday, the 18th and will be held at the Dairy Queen on Easton Avenue. A percentage of all purchases from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. will be donated to our parent organization. There will also be a raffle for a free ice cream cake. Thank you as always to our parent organization and all they do for our children. Also, please remember to return your “In the City” coupon booklets if you wish not to purchase one. They are to be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by no later than Thursday the 20th. That is the day we come back from having NO SCHOOL the day before in observance of Yom Kippur.

We end our week in school opening up our mid-quarter report card window for teachers. Believe it or not the mid-point of the quarter is the following Friday. We state that as a reminder to stay on top of your children’s school performance through our Parent Portal and Schoology. We are trying our best to keep you as parents and guardians up to date with everything we are expecting of your children. Should you have difficulty or issues accessing your child’s information, please reach out to your child’s Team Leader immediately. Also, the new BASD mobile app contains important information about the goings-on in the district, including safety and emergency messages. The app is available at the Apple App Store (iTunes) and Google App Store (Play Store).

We end with our fall sports schedule for the week. Our field hockey team plays three times this week. Monday they are away against Eyer and at Central on Friday. On Tuesday our girls are home against Northampton. Our Volleyball team also plays three times this week with home games against South Mountain on Monday and Broughal on Friday. Our girls are away against Raub on Tuesday. The cross-country team heads to Nazareth on Thursday. Our Football team does not play this week, because Allentown Central Catholic does not have a team.

We end our week on Friday with our first Dance. Dances at Northeast are sponsored and run by our wonderful Parent Organization and are held in our cafeteria. The dances are from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Chaperones are always welcome but must check in prior to the dance. Once children enter the dance they may not leave the dance until it ends for safety reasons. Should you have any questions or concerns please call our main office.   Thank you and have a great remainder to your weekend!