Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of December 2, 2018


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this first FULL week of December. We know that with December it means that Old Man Winter is just around the corner, and though we already had a shot of snow we can be assured more will be coming.  With that noted please be reminded of our school delay and school closing procedures outlined in our student planners and also always posted on our district’s website. Additionally our district does utilize the call out system for all weather related delays and closing.

With the colder weather and shorter days please note that we do not have staff here to monitor students arriving at school prior to our morning programs, and those programs do not begin until 7:30 a. m. In addition, if your child is not enrolled in a before or after school program we ask that they do not arrive before the doors open at 8:05 a.m. and that they also leave the property at the 3:05 p.m. dismissal. There are plenty of opportunities for children to be here before and after school, however they must sign up for those opportunities and attend regularly. We make these rules for their accountability and for their safety.

School events this week include a visit from a local author, Matthew Landis. He will be sharing his passion for history and writing with our students on Thursday. On Friday we celebrate the start of December with our monthly school dance. This holiday dance helps to support our athletic department and with the start of our winter sports competition just around the corner, this dance could not come at a better time. Also this week if you are tired of cooking after the holidays please note that our Theatre Department is being graciously supported by our wonderful neighborhood pizzeria, Martellucci’s on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Have a great remainder to your Sunday, and if you are at school playing Bingo we wish you all the luck possible to win some cash!