Home / Daily Announcements / Announcements for December 13, 2018


GRADE 6 FUNDRAISER: Attention Northeast! For the 6th Grade Leadership Projects, students are donating books to Cops ‘n’ Kids. We want you to go home and clean off your bookshelves! Bring in as many books as you can. The collection will start Today, December 10th and will run through the 21st. Give your books to your homeroom teacher and we will come around and collect the books. Thanks for donating to a good cause!

LOLLIPOP SALE: All lollipops for sale are $1 each at all three lunches. Bring in your Boxtops.

NORTHEAST GOT TALENT: Attention all Northeast Got Talent contestants. Just a reminder that 6th grade auditions will be Monday, December 17th after school in the auditorium and 7th and 8th grade auditions will be on Wed, December 19th of next week. Please have your Youtube music selection, if you require some, written on a piece of paper so we can play it for you. If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late. Please see Mr. Fanger.


  • AFTER SCHOOL VOCAL GROUPS: Rehearsal for this week are as follows:
    • Thurs, Dec 13, 2018 NEMS Winter Concert, featuring Choruses, Orchestra, and World Percussion, 7 PM – report time TBA
    • Fri, Dec 14, 2018 No rehearsal
  • DRAMA: Almost all of the cast has been measured…if you have not been measured for your costume, you must make an appointment this week…if we do not have your contract, you are no longer a cast member. See Mrs. Parker immediately.
  • SCHOOL CONCERTS: Concert time is upon us! Does your white top and bottom fit?  Our evening concert for Choruses, Orchestra, and World Percussion will be this Thursday evening at 7 PM. The white bottom/black top dress is required for the Thursday evening performance only. See your directors with any questions.

DROP OFF TABLE: Student Services has a drop off table.  If you are expecting something dropped off, please come to the Student Services drop off table for pick up. Ms. Osorio will write you a hall pass or sign your pass.  If you are expecting money, please see Ms. Osorio. Money will not be left on the table.

BOXTOPS: Want to help our school raise money? Please bring in boxtops for education. Boxtops can be found on so many items! Simply cut them off and bring them to your homeroom teacher. Homeroom teachers can then send them to Mrs. Derrington or Mrs. Braido and student council will take care of the rest.

SAFE TO TELL: It’s SAFE to Tell.”  The SAFE Team exists to help students with problems in a confidential manner to help remove any and all barriers to education.  You can refer your friends or yourself.  Just fill out the SAFE to Tell form which you can find in your homeroom, Student Services, the Library and the Main Office and drop the form in the SAFE Box or give it to your homeroom teacher who will deposit the form for you.  Don’t worry, “It’s Safe To Tell.