Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of February 24, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for this week that ends February and begins the month of March. It is hard to believe that March is this week and so are our mid-quarter grades for the 3rd marking period. Please check on your child’s progress through our Student Access Center. Teachers should have uploaded all grades thus far for the third quarter by this Tuesday. Please note however that because of the significant amount of lost instructional time these grades may be affected with the number of assignments being able to be graded. Once again if you need assistance looking at your child’s grades in the Student Access Center, please call the main office at 610-868-8581 and ask for Mrs. Rodriquez.  Please do not wait until the third quarter is complete, because once we enter into April and the PSSA testing season our school year seems like it is almost over. For those parents wishing to set up a conference to talk directly to teachers about their child’s grades please know that you may call your child’s team leader at any time to schedule a conference. Just be reminded that those conferences must occur during the day, as that is when there is time in the teacher schedule for these types of meetings to occur.

This week we are P.R.O.U.D. to celebrate the accomplishments of our eighth grade seminar students and the “What’s So Cool about Manufacturing” piece they compiled highlighting Just Born. The awards ceremony celebrating their hard work is this Tuesday evening at the Steel Stacks. Also this week we P.R.O.U.D.ly present our Spring Musical, “The Lion King Jr.”. Performances are Thursday evening at 7 p.m. and Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Martellucci’s is supporting our play this week by providing a portion of all proceeds Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to our theatre company. Please help support our theatre company by enjoying the wonderful food Martellucci’s sells. Our theatre company will also perform our play for most of our elementary feeder’s 5th grade students and our students throughout the week in addition to our evening and Saturday performances. Tickets are available to be purchased for our public performances at the door for this wonderful display of our children’s talent. It will be a very busy and exciting week for all of our cast and crew members, and we wish them only the best. Let us hope that Mother Nature cooperates with our all of our performances. Have a wonderful remainder to your Sunday.