Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of March 10, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of March 10th. First, please note the changes to our school calendar as a result of all the inclement weather days we have been socked with. This week is a full week with no early dismissals. All other changes can be found on the district website or on our school website. Please note that our Spring Break in April has been significantly altered as a result of these changes. Again, all changes can be found on the district website.

This week is a busy week for our Northeast Band and our Band Parents. First our Band Parents start the week on Wednesday with their monthly meeting. This meeting follows our NEPTO meeting in the cafeteria. Then our parents follow our Jazz Band who will be playing in Broughal’s Jazz festival on Friday. Not to leave anyone out we then have our Marching Band play on Saturday in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade of Shamrocks on the Southside.  The parade begins at 1 p.m. and starts out at the Hoover Mason Trestle at the Steel Stacks.

In sports this week our softball and soccer teams are beginning the arduous task of constructing line-ups from our tryouts. This has been extremely difficult, as we have needed to have our kids indoors due to the snow for most of their practices/tryouts. We commend all of the students trying out and wish our student athletes the best whether it be on the field or in the classroom. Also this week Mr. Bailey, Liberty’s Principal, will be visiting our 8th grade classrooms on Thursday for some circle time. We then end the school week on Friday with a very pleasant trip ice-skating with the students in our P.R.O.U.D. Society.

Have a great remainder to your weekend.