Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of March 17, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of March 17th. This week The Foundation for the  Bethlehem Area School District is hosting its annual dinner at the Steel Stacks on Tuesday. This fundraiser for The Foundation comes back to our students in the district in so many ways, and we encourage you to look how you can support the foundation if you are not able to attend this annual event. Also this week our soon to be Liberty Freshman’s parents are invited to Liberty’s PTO meeting on Wednesday. The meeting takes place in Liberty’s Commons Building and begins at 6:00 p.m.

In the classroom, after this past FULL week of school, we hopefully are getting back on track with our classwork, for we only have one month left before we start our state PSSA testing. With much of April devoted to that testing, we are trying to wrap up some of our transition plans for our incoming 6th graders and our outgoing 8th grade students. We will be visiting Lincoln Elementary School on Monday and then our Spring Garden 5th graders on Thursday. To wrap up our week, our Jazz band will perform at the Nitschmann Jazz Festival in their new auditorium. Finally, believe it or not, the report card window for the THIRD Quarter opens for teachers this coming Friday as well.

Have a great remainder to your Sunday.