Home / Daily Announcements / Sunday Shout-Out for the Week of March 24, 2019


Good afternoon Northeast Family and Friends. Here is our Northeast “Shout Out” for the week of March 24th, the last school week of March!  It is nice to finally have Spring upon us and hopefully winter behind. This week we actually start our Spring sports schedule with three softball games and two soccer games scheduled. Our softball girls start at home on Monday versing Allentown Central and then play Wednesday against Bethlehem Catholic. The girls end the week away on Friday against Nazareth. Our soccer team starts the week out on Monday here at home against Broughal and then follows up here at home on Thursday against Nazareth. Good luck to all of our Spring athletes both on the field and in the classroom!

In the classrooms, this week we continue to push towards our academic goals for the end of the year and our state testing. The children have been working hard, and we believe most of them are beginning to really see that hard work pay off. Believe it or not the third quarter officially ends on Friday, the 29th. Prior to that we have our 8th graders visiting Liberty for a day of transitioning on Thursday.

Next Sunday, March 31st, our Northeast Band and Orchestra Parent organization is sponsoring a Cash Bingo and Tricky Tray event in our cafeteria. The fun begins at 2 p.m. with the doors opening at 1 p.m. Tickets purchased in advance for the event are $20, and tickets purchased at the door are $25. Come out and have a good time while supporting some of our wonderful music programs.

Have a great remainder to your Sunday.